Irassian Concordat

The Irassian Concordat was an interstellar empire that existed approximately 1.2 million years ago, in the modern-day territory of the Gorthikan Alliance, and perhaps most well known for their demise by the Javorian Pox. The Irassians were six-limbed mammalians that evolved on what is believed to once have been the jungle world of Irassia, located in the Ira System. The Concordat engaged in many wars of subjugation and conquest, and are known to have conquered at least two client species: the molluscoid Joggra, and the arthropoid Ti'Derg. It is known that the Irassians had additional client states, but the specifics of these are yet to be discovered.

The Irassians are best known for their relationship with the Javorian Pox: an otherwise mild bacterial infection that was extremely virulent and deadly for the specific biology of the Irassians. It originated on one of their outlying colonies due to a flaw in a quarantine seal, and proceeded to spread extremely rapidly. The Irassians attempted to quarantine and even bombard affected planets, but between a massive civilian shipping economy and deliberate sabotage by their client species, it eventually reached their homeworld. No cure was found, and the species became extinct.

After a decades-long search, the homeworld of Irassia was discovered in 2279 CE by researchers from the Gorthikan Alliance. The Alliance swiftly established a research outpost in the system, and the planet of Irassia - despite being devoid of life - remains under permanent quarantine by the Gorthikan Navy. Gorthikan researchers were able to discover a sample of the Javorian Pox on Irassia and discover both medical and bioweapon applications from it. Further research into the Irassian Concordat in recent years has led to refinements in biological research and shipbuilding technology, especially within the Gorthikan Alliance.
Dissolution Date
1,200,000 BCE
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure

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