Javorian Pox

The Javorian Pox was a strain of bacteria that wiped out the Irassian Concordat approximately 1.2 million years ago. Based on research by scientists of the Gorthikan Alliance, the disease is believed to have begun on the tropical world of Magam III, today the Gorthikan colony of Windfall. The Pox was originally a native bacteria that infiltrated an Irassian habitation dome through a faulty environmental seal, then infected the inhabitants. From there, it appears to have spread to the air filters of a visiting merchant vessel, which then carried it to other Irassian colonies.

Recovered cryogenically frozen samples and Irassian data indicate that the Javorian Pox is fairly benign in most species. However, it retains its incredible ability to spread, and non-Irassians acted as passive carriers for the bacterian infection. To Irassians, the Pox was incredibly deadly, with a fatality rate of over 99%. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, the Irassian Concordat adopted a zero tolerance whenever it was detected: a colony would be quarantined until the population died out, or bombarded from orbit if it was deemed necessary. Many of the subjugated client species of the Irassians deliberately spread the disease to their oppressors, weakening them in an attempt to gain their freedom.

After recovering samples of the Javorian Pox from Irassia, Gorthikan researchers were able to develop a number of medical treatments that counteracted the various side-effects from genetic cocktails. These treatments have significantly increased the Gorthikan lifespan, though many Gorthikans have chosen to use this as an excuse to even further modify their genetic code. The Alliance has also created a number of variants of the Javorian Pox, tailored for use against modern species. Although these variants are significantly less potent and virulent than the original's effect on the Irassians, they remain extremely deadly.


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