
Nyrrians are a species of sapient bipedal reptilians that originated on the desert world of Nyrra. Nyrrians are among the longest-lived species in the galaxy, with a natural life cycle approaching two centuries. Nyrrian eggs are laid in vast numbers in underground desert sanctuaries, where they incubate for over two decades before hatching. Only one in one hundred eggs will successfully hatch, and only one in one thousand hatchlings will survive past one month in age. Due to this, the Nyrrian population is slow to grow, and cultural attitudes have developed strongly around fortification and protection. Nyrrians fight extremely hard to protect their homes, but are often loathe to leave them.In addition, the species is heavily adapted to their homeworld, with their physiology reacting poorly to non-desert environments or alien ecosystems. This is particularly the case for cold or wet environments, where Nyrrians struggle to survive.

In addition to being one of the longest-lived species, Nyrrians are also one of the strongest species. The average Nyrrian is capable of lifting several times their own body weight, up to approximately one ton. Nyrrians also have thick shells and tough hides, making them extremely strong and physically resilient. Due to the martial culture of the Guardianship of Nyrr, almost every Nyrrian grows up learning the arts of individual and group combat. As such, Nyrrians have a reputation throughout the galaxy as being extremely formidable fighters and mercenaries, on par with the Kel-Azaan.
170 years
Average Height
1.6m (male)
1.4m (female)
Average Weight
250 kg (male)
200 kg (female)
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