Psionic Security Corps

The Psionic Security Corps (also called the Psi Corps) is an elite security unit in the Kingdom of Yondarim. It acts as a combination of counterintelligence, public security, counterterrorism, criminal investigation, and surveillance agency. Established in 2272 CE by royal decree from the God-Emperor, the Psi Corps is empowered to read the minds of members of the public using telepathy in order to ensure correct thought. Recruits are taken from across the Kingdom, and on occasion, from other members of the Divine Compact. They are trained at the Psi Corps' headquarters on Yondarim for two years, before being dispatched to local Psi Corps detachments elsewhere in the Kingdom.

The primary work of the Psi Corps is that of crime fighting. Telepaths are extremely useful during interrogation, able to determine with ease what an individual is thinking. While it is possible to guard against mind-reading, as many government personnel across the galaxy are trained, most criminals do not have that same training. Telepaths are also deployed to monitor thoughts of Yondar citizens for the purposes of opinion sampling, but also in order to detect thoughts of treason or heresy against the God-Emperor. Particularly adept psions (usually Class-B or above) are sometimes capable of 'correcting' thoughts while inside another's mind, psionically altering their memories to support official royal doctrine.

The Psi Corps is also used as a powerful tool of state security. Members of the Corps are assigned to work with other intelligence agencies in order to counter foreign espionage, scanning the minds of critical security employees to detect if they have been compromised. Members of the Psi Corps also comprise the elite honour guard that protects the Conclave of Telepaths when it assembles, as well as providing bodyguard services to important Yondar or foreign dignitaries. During times of war, the Psi Corps integrates itself with military units, acting as a combination of political commissar and military police.

The Corps is your friend. Trust the Corps.

Founding Date
2272 CE
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Psi Corps
Training Level
Parent Organization


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