
Rilldeep is a habitable ocean world, notable for being the homeworld of Sathyrels and the capital of the Sathyrelian Bliss. The entire world is submerged beneath a planet-wide ocean, with fewer than one thousand small islands above the surface. This makes Rilldeep unique compared to other ocean worlds, which typically feature atolls, small continents, or other islands above sea level. The entire population of Rilldeep, virtually all Sathyrels, lives in underwater or floating cities. Surface cities are relegated to the few foreign visitors permitted to visit the Bliss, such as diplomats and the occasional tourist.

The Sathyrelians developed tools and metalworking thanks to strong geothermal vents, which today continue to provide much of the energy to the planet. The primary industry of Rilldeep is agriculture, but the Sathyrelian Bliss engages in the process differently to most other countries. Rather than farmers working deliniated agricultural sectors and growing crops, a planet-wide industry of fishing and harvesting is undertaken. Thanks to the three-dimensional environment of the ocean world and the Sathyrelians' natural aquatic lifestyle, this allows them to harvest significantly more food than other ocean worlds. This practice has been extended to other ocean worlds the Bliss controls, but it remains most effective on Rilldeep.

Large parts of the planet are set aside as nature reserves, patrolled and conserved by rangers. Although Rilldeep never experienced a resource or environmental crisis like many other homeworlds, the Bliss maintains careful management of the planet's natural resources. Underwater cities are constructed extremely vertically, making as much use of the ocean to support the weight of buildings as they can. Mining districts, including the mining of rare crystals, are located in the deep ocean.
Ocean World
Empire Capital
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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