Vultaum Star Assembly

The Vultaum Star Assembly was an interstellar empire that existed approximately 12 million years ago, in the modern-day territory of the Voor Technocracy. The Vultaum were worm-like annelids, approximately three to four metres long, had a lifespan of approximately 270 years, and communicated via vibrations along their bodies. Based on archaeological evidence, the Vultaum committed collective mass suicide in an attempt to "disconnect" themselves from what they believed was a simulation.

The Vultaum were a fairly typicaly interstellar nation that developed FTL technology and established numerous offworld colonies. Unlike most empires, however, they did not develop artificial intelligence. Instead, their society appears to have been completely focused on the development of increasingly advanced virtual realities and computer simulation. Large parts of their population spent most of their time in virtual reality centres. It appears that this obsession with computers and virtual reality lead to a drastic societal shift approximately one century before their demise. A philosophy spread rapidly throughout the Star Assembly, preaching that the universe was nothing more than a simulation made for the enjoyment of some higher power. Mass suicides became increasingly commonplace as Vultaum attempted to 'disconnect' themselves from the simulation.

Ultimately, Vultaum scientists concluded that the simultaneous 'disconnection' of billions of individuals would completely destabilise the simulation, causing a complete collapse and the freedom of everyone plugged in. The Star Assembly ordered all Vultaum to self-terminate by any means necessary at a specified hour: in many cases, this involved destabilising antimatter reactors or detonation antimatter warheads, causing the eradication of most of the species. Those individuals who both refused to take part in the mass suicide and were able to escape the antimatter bombs were too few in number to repopulate the species, and it eventually died out.

Their homeworld of Vultaumar Prime was discovered in 2255 CE by explorers from the Voor Technocracy. The planet's atmosphere had been completely stripped away by some kind of antimatter device, leaving it as a barren world. Further research was conducted into data recovered from various functioning Vultaum servers, but many of the results have been redacted by Voor authorities. This has led to a fringe belief that the Voor scientists confirmed the Vultaum findings, and are hiding them to prevent mass panic and a repeat of what happened to the Star Assembly. However, research by other groups - and independent Voor researchers - has failed to find any proof that the universe is, in fact, a simulation.
Dissolution Date
12,000,000 BCE
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure

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