
Ahlaisin are a Felinoid species who evolved from feline type species on their homeworld of Tellis.
  They are generally considered to be a nomadic people. Once an Ahlasin comes of age, it is very common for them to leave their world and set out for the stars. Only returning later in life to raise a family.

Basic Information


Ahlasin are an erect walking, feline species with vertical symmetry. They have four limbs; two arms, two legs and a head along with a neck. Most Ahlasin have a prehensile tail, though some are born without one.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ahlasin have the standard senses; Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, and Taste. Their hearing and smell are considred well above average in function.

Civilization and Culture


Roughly 700 years ago, the Alhasian homeworld of Tellis suffered a devastating hit from a meteor. The resulting damage was catastrophic. The shockwave destroyed cities for hundreds of miles and the resulting earthquake from the impact destroyed cities on the other side of the globe. Large amounts or particulate matter was flung into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun. As he dust settled it landed in the oceans, blocking any sunlight from penetrating the water. Crops and forests began to die out along with ocean life. There were not enough resources to support the people living on the planet. If something was not done soon, the species and the planet would die out.   An audacious plan was launched. Even though the Alhasian people were very new to spaceflight at the time, it was decided that the majority of the people would leave the surface of the planet and find their way in the stars. If perhaps 80% of the population left, it would stave off total collapse and give the planet time to heal and regrow. The event, now known as the Cataclysm, is the source of the Alhasian tradition of being a nomadic people.
Khanor Son of M'ressa, Founder of the Outcasts
Scientific Name
90 - 140 years
Average Height
1.6 - 2.1 meters
Average Weight
55 - 90 kg


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