
Drida are a member species of the The Union of Independent Worlds. Their home is a world called Illisura in the Episviy star system. They appear similar in appearance to Humans and sometimes are mistaken for them. This is due to them having a high percentage of human genetics in their history.   The most interesting thing about Drida is their limited telekinetic ability.

Basic Information


Drida are a erect walking bipedal race with vertical symmetry. Their right and left sides roughly mirror each other.

Biological Traits

Due to the high amount of Human genes in their biology, they tend to look fairly human, with notable differences being long pointed ears and a wider range of skin and hair colors.

Genetics and Reproduction

Drida are born with both sets of sexual organs in their body. They are viewed as sex and genderless while children. During puberty, one set of organs becomes active and they grow up with and as that sex. During times of stress or illness, there is a small chance of a Drida sexual organs switching which is active and causing the person to become the opposite sex. It is also possible to medically cause the change to occur.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to the thin atmosphere of Illusura, Drida have physically weaker respiratory systems. When they are off-world they are generally required to wear respirators to assist their breathing. Many are able to adapt to breathing a thicker atmosphere, though they run the risk of damaging their lungs ad developing respiratory diseases that greatly shorten their lifespans. The Illisura government recommends citizens keeps their mask on while off world.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Drida society is highly civilized and orderly society. They can be seen as cold or even Machiavellian, especially in the management of their businesses and government practices.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Drida possess the standard 5 senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. They also possess a limited telekinetic ability. Within 30 meters, and line of sight, they are able to move/manipulate objects up to 55 kg in mass.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The Drida and their world of Illisura are considered a high tech level world. They have no restrictions on the importing and introduction of technology.

Common Dress Code

Higher classes prefer to wear high quality silks and imported dresses, while the lower classes cannot afford such finery, they do still as much as they can to appear as high a status as possible.


Long ago, Illusura was one of the worlds colonized by Humanity before The Fall. As with many of the human colonized worlds, there was a great deal of interbreeding. This resulted in the native species looking more and more Human over time. Not many records exist that detail what Drida appearance was before colonization. Rumors say that either Humans destroyed the records or the Drida did themselves.
90-120 years
Average Height
1.7 Meters
Average Weight
62 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tones range from very pale to quite dark. In some instances one can be born with shades of blue, purple, or green.


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