
Humans are a minor race in the known universe. After an aggressive and brutal expansion centuries ago, the established races banded together and fought back, defeating the nearly wiping out humanity.

Basic Information


Humans are an erect walking, bipedal mammal with vertical symmetry. Their right side roughly mirrors their left. They have four limbs connected to their torso, (two arms and two legs,) as well as a head attached via a short neck.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans are a dual-sexed species. There is a very small amount of sexual dimorphism. The males are generally larger and stronger with the females being smaller.   During reproduction, a male will impregnate the female and they will develop the child internally for about 9 months. After that gestation time the offspring is born in an immature state where they continue to grow and mature for another 20 years.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Human sensory capabilities extend to what is considered galactic average. Sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing.

Civilization and Culture


Around the year 3100, according to human counting of history, humanity had established a proper foothold in its own system Sol, as well as Achernar, Sirius and Betelgeuse. Humanity was thriving, but the different colonies drifted apart. The central government had more and more trouble to maintain order and to keep up with the demands and needs of the many stations and colonies. Around this year it was that several of the colonies declared independence, which was followed by an armed response from the central government. The wars that followed destroyed many stations, colonies, and ships. The death toll ran into the 100 millions.   During these wars, corporations gained more and more power, since they controlled the resources. And it was these corporations that eventually forced out peace in human space, using diplomacy and their own fleets.   Reunited under a few giant companies, peace returned. But they tooled the economy to run wars. Facing economic recession, never seen before, the directors decided it was best to use the industry where it was best for.   Aggressive expansion was its result.   Over the next hundreds of years, human species expanded their influence at a very high rate. Species they met were forced into servitude, or simply destroyed. Other galactic powers were worried, and on their own could not resist human expansion.    A large conference was organized to sue for a hold of human expansion. But the humans walked away from the conversation, seeing no reason to stop their expansion. The remaining powers set aside their many disputes and united, in order to fight the human threat.   Under command of the Zheng Dynasty, the United Coalition of the Four Factions forced the humans back, system by system. They liberated many planets, some of which had been all but decimated, and were more than ready to fight their previous overlords.   The campaign against the human threat had been a massive success. There was however a drawback. As the forces pushed the Humans back, Humanity’s territory shrunk. The bubble that was the territory of the people of Earth shrunk more and more, causing the fleets to draw inwards to Earth. As the end, as they defended their home planet, the Human fleet was massive.   The battle for Sol, the humans home system, demanded huge losses on both sides, but eventually the human fleets were destroyed. And the allied fleets turned their attention to Earth. Stomping out any remaining resistance by destroying its surface. Life would not be possible for millennia.   Few civilian ships, escorted by small war fleets, escaped. But would find themselves rejected wherever they went.    The war was won, and the threat neutralized. To this day, some species still hunt humans, for the crimes many generations ago. Eventually, the practice was banned in faction controlled space and Humanity had a small reprieve. That did not mean that hostilities were gone. There were still many places that simply would not allow them on their worlds.   The remaining humans found shelter in what are now UIW worlds, where they often have set up trading stations or are simply left alone to create their own colonies, or traveling the stars in large nomadic vessels.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
100 years
Conservation Status
Though this species still exists in the wild, as well as many species containing human genetics due to many years of interbreeding, the species has been wiped out to levels that they may never recover from. Thus, they are considered to be extinct.
Average Height
1.6 - 2.1 meters
Average Weight
55 - 90 kg


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