Melee Weaponry

Even though most species rely on blasters and other ranged weaponry, melee weapons have had a comeback in onboard battles. Oftentimes stealthier, more reliable and cost efficient, they have found their way into the combatants hands. Knives are the most common melee weapon; they are fast to draw and strike with, light and concealable and can be useful tools at times. Whilst the knives handles are mostly made out of plastics (and rarely wood, stone, etc.), their blades can vary in material, though durable alloys are the most present. This goes for most bladed weapons as well.   Security personnel will often carry non-lethal melee weaponry, like batons and staves (often extendable), regularly modified to taze the target on impact to secure 'compliance'.   Plasma swords and the like are very rare, due to their extreme energy intake. Still, most combatants use customized weapons, which are perfected for their anatomy, style of battle and desired effect.   Some species and factions have ceremonial weaponry, mastered by few individuals. These include the Takhelion's bendable sickle-blades, Ququrei hunting gear and traditional Imperium sabers.

Cover image: Sci-F by Weijian Liew


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