
The Ququrei are bipedal anthropoids originating from an icy planet called Takyl. They have pale blue skin, covered by luminescent patches that react to the atmosphere. They thrive in nitrogen-rich environments and supplement their foods with specific breeds of fungi and algae. Their society has been impacted by a cataclysmic invasion several centuries ago, developing hunting traditions and rituals. Furthermore, due to an isolation of several colonies, evolution has created two sub races, that thrive in cooperative brotherhood. 
  The Sovereign State of the Ququrei is a recognized member of the UIW, governing five planets populated by a mix of Ququrei and other species alike. They trade hydrogen and tough plant-fibers, as well as art and trophies.

Basic Information


The Ququrei are a sapient race accustomed to perma-frost-climate. They walk upright and have two legs and arms, their hands have 4 fingers each, as well as opposable thumbs, their feet have 4 toes. There are two sub races, though they share the main features of the species: white hair, pointed ears, pale blue skin and luminescent patterns across their skin. These patterns excrete nitrogen in small amounts, which dissipates quickly, thus being called 'cryo-steam' or 'cryo-sweat'. Controlled excretion of slightly bigger amounts of nitrogen is possible, leading to small combustions that can 'boost' their movements. Their bodies contain high amounts of nitrogen, which is taken in through the respiratory and the digestive system. Ququrei (Eno and Pantz alike) have two genders, male and female. Except for a difference in their reproductive organs, there is no anatomical difference between the two. Babies are concieved by the female after a six month pregnancy, and are 'patch-fed' by mother and father alike, sucking nutrients out of the luminescent patterns. Pantz and Eno can produce offspring, the resulting species depending on the mother.   After an invasion of the species' home planet, the Ququrei isolated themselves in bunkers, developing new features over centuries and thus creating several subraces, of which only two (or three) are left.    The Pantz: Pantz are tall and broad Ququrei, growing to 7'2'' in average. Their increased amount of muscle mass makes them strong but sluggish. Their stamina is lower, but they can reach higher speeds at lower acceleration rates, due to their mass and the length of their legs. The skeletal (and body) structure of the Pantz is much tougher than the Eno's.   The Eno: Eno have mostly slim bodies, averaging a height of 6 feet. They are much quicker and have a bigger pool of stamina than the Pantz, though they are not as strong. Their bones are lighter and more flexible, though they will easily break under too much strain.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ququrei have the five 'standard' senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch). They are able to detect gases through the light of their luminescent patches, which change colour when in contact with different substances.  -Nitrogen: Blue -Oxygen: White -Helium: Pink -Argon: Yellow -Hydrogen: Green -Neon: Black (UV)   They mostly shine in an icy blue due to the ideal nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names consist of a first name, a community name (home+planet) and if earned a (or several) tile(s). Profession titles are named first. e.G.: Captain (Profession) Kuru (First name) of Carca-Takyl (community) Martial Master (Title), Vraayl-Slayer (Title)   Calling a Ququrei by their full name is not required, but rather seen as a gesture to show respect.

Average Technological Level

Ququrei had the luck to discover advanced technology in their neighbouring galaxies which accelerated their technological knowledge by a few centuries. Still, their ships are built in a more traditional fashion, with seemingly imperfect or unpractical design when compared to most present day spacecraft. Instead of clean walls on the interior, the Ququrei leave cables, tubes, gears and pistons exposed The ships outer hull make them look clunky and rusty, oftentimes featuring welding marks and reinforced patches. There are some exceptions like the FTL drive, which is used in its optimized form, as well as some other ship modifications introduced by more advanced species.   The Quality of life technology is designed in a similar way, though it's far more advanced, to ensure Ququrei safety in foreign atmospheres and prevent sudden combustion. Unless the humanoids are in an ice environment, they wear temperature regulating attire and pressurized gear on space stations and shuttles. Hand-terminals, holographic devices and the like have been imported and gladly accepted, though nano-construction machinery is barely used on the Ququrei Planets.   As for weapons, the Ququrei have adapted to the outsiders, though their traditional armory differs in many ways. First of all, Ququrei hunters specialize in hand-to-hand combat, focusing on melee weaponry and martial arts. This is due to the fact that ranged weaponry oftentimes relied on magnetic fields and nitrogen-vacuum combustion, and had a low shot per minute ratio. Heat based weaponry like blasters and plasma weapons never occurred to the icy race, especially since their traditional weapons were developed in underground facilities with a high amount of liquid nitrogen present.  Gauss rifles (magnetic acceleration) are the traditional ranged weapons used by the Ququrei, though they are strictly used on planets and never on sapient lifeforms.


The history of the Ququrei is summarized in ages, recorded from ~year -1600 to year 2182 (current year). Year 0 marks the birth of the reunited society, and all records before -1600 have been lost.   The Lost Age: Ququrei have no records of this age and the ones prior to it. It is believed to have been a prosperous time, with the civilization being on the breakthrough of early space-flight. It is assumed that the species has evolved from airborne or marine bacterial life forms, clearly being adapted to their home-planets conditions. Ancient ruins have been found and dated to this age and even the prior ages, though they have deteriorated beyond the point of bearing any information. Year ??? to year -1600   Age of Invasion: A short age of war in which the Ququrei’s homeplanet was invaded by extraterrestial non sentient lifeforms, parasites that forced rapid evolution in their hosts, making the native Ququrei flee into isolation in underground complexes. The centuries of underground-dwelling are included in this age. Year -1600 to -200   Age of Reconquest: The age of the second war against the alien invaders, in which the Ququrei emerged from their safe havens, fighting a long and bitter battle for their homeworld. Over 1400 years, slight evolutionary differences developed in some of the major bunkers, creating the Pantz (Ququrei with broader strong frames) and the Eno (slim and agile Ququrei). Records of different subraces have been found, though they have gone under in the war. After the natives victory, cities were rebuilt and a new society formed, heavily impacted by the militant traditions of the past centuries. Year: -200 to 0   Age of Spacetravel After the great crisis had been overcome, the Ququrei were curious about what lied beyond their horizons, venturing out into their galaxy. They had begun to seek the home of the parasites, to prevent future invasions. After only five centuries, they had completely explored their home-system, and began research on means of intergalactical transportation. Their first model of what they later came to know as the FTL engine was very primitive and barely made it to the next system, though it was enough to find the remnants of a drifting alien vessel, infected with the same parasites that had invaded their home. After extermination, research revealed optimization for the engine as well as spacecraft in general, which lead to a rapid discovery of further systems. Outposts were established on non-hazardous planets that were cleansed of the parasite species, and these outposts soon turned into colonies of their own. Soon after, the Ququrei would make contact with their first living and sentient species: the Ahlasin, a member of the UIW. The drifting ship they had found was of Ahlasin craft; the two races would soon grow close and the Felinoids became mentors to the Ququrei. Year 0 to 1400   Current Age The Ququrei consider themselves to be successful in their hunt of their parasitic nemesis, having cleared many surrounding sectors. They have not been able to find the parasite's origin, though they seem to have been exterminated. Still, Ququrei- now a member of the UIW- hold on to their traditions, peacefully celebrating the art of war and organizing great hunts on dangerous lifeforms. They have emigrated into several alien settlements, and have a population of (including integrated citizens) roughly 26 Billion people within five planets. Though they have access to advanced technologies, their ships look clunky and are at best modified with more modern parts, though being just as functional. The interior design consists mostly of gears and pistons, giving the ships an ‘old-timey’ look. Year 1400 to 2100
There are two 'sub-species' amongst the Ququrei, the Pantz and the Eno.
90 years


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