
The Rakhelion are a reptilian race functioning as lore-keepers across the universe. They are associated with the @un   The Rakhelion originate from Serat, a dry planet covered by an immense canyon and cave system. Deep ground-water flows through some of these caves and heats them, providing hydration, warmth and fish. In harsh conditions they developed into the apex-predators of their local ecosystem, living in small communities of rarely more than 50 specimen which were gathered in cave-hubs. Even before their era of space exploration, they were artifact hunters and lorekeepers, passing their knowledge and culture on through animal-hides and bone sculptures.   On Serat, there is a major cave-hub, where their ruler- the Archon- is located, along with the sacred libraries and the Order of Lore-Keepers. It is a major city, holding about 5000 inhabitants.   Due to their long life-spans and harsh reproductive conditions, their population is not centered, but scattered across the galaxies.

Basic Information


Rakhelion are a highly intelligent reptilian race. They have four double jointed arms and two double jointed legs, their hands have three clawed fingers and their feet have two primary and two dewclaws. They have tails varying from 80-150 centimeters in length. Their stature is tall and rather thin and they stand about 2.30 to 2.50 meters tall. Their skin is covered with scales and scutes, keratin-spikes growing along the middle of their skull and down their spine. The scale pigmentation can vary, but is always in dark, unreflective colours. They have mandibles with four ‘claws’; the lower jaws pair has longer and serrated ones, the upper pair is smaller and excretes an acidic substance. Their eyes have vertical slit pupils, the Rakhelion see only in infrared. Instead of ears, a sensory organ in their forehead makes them capable of perceiving sound. They have a hyper-flexible skeleton and can move quickly due to their double-jointed legs.   Their thorax holds two hearts; a three-chambered (2 atria, 1 ventricle) heart which pumps a cold, black blood-like fluid and a one-chambered heart which pumps translucent, sticky acid through a secondary cardiovascular system. The acid is produced in a liver-like organ, connected to the secondary heart. It functions as the Rakhelions immune system, repelling sickness as well as radiation.   They breathe only oxygen-deprived air and need external heat to keep their bodies at about 25°C.   Rakhelion are natural runners, swimmers and climbers.

Genetics and Reproduction

To reproduce, the reptilians lay eggs, clustered into ceilings, corners and nooks (due to their adaptation to caves), coated with the acidic ‘glue’ produced by a liver-like organ which is connected to the secondary heart. The eggshell looks like amber and is made of slightly translucent, soft keratin. During the incubation process- which takes several (5-10) years- the embryo is prone to the dangers of the outside world; slight movement or radiation could harm the growing organism.   The natural Rakhelion life expectancy is about 180 years long, though reproduction is slow and often unsuccessful.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rakhelion are omnivorous, though they rely mostly on protein-rich meat to grow and sustain their keratin scales and spikes. They have developed several ways to hunt; jumping into the water head first to snatch fish, sticking to (cave) ceilings to wait, drop and assault their prey, scaring off their prey into the arms of their fellow hunters.   When engaging the prey, a hunter digs their mandibles into the soft spots, excreting their acid into the cardiovascular system to immobilize and kill the meal. Then, they will begin to saw chunks out of the carcass, using their lower, serrated mandibles.   Rakhelion have genetically bred a certain strain of fungus which helps them replenish their acid. Growing only in certain conditions, it is seen as a rare and valuable medication/delicacy.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Rakhelion xeno-relations are guarded but seldom hostile, unless knowledge or artifacts are endangered.     The Rakhelion are an old race and have spread through the universe, engaging in symbiotic communities with other races, though their homeplanet is strictly off limits to Aliens. They are only politically active in the Union of Independent Worlds, though they sometimes engage with the other factions as well.   Their government is built on pack tactics; there is the Archon (;the Alpha), followed by 12 officials, each ranked below another. Leaders are elected into a pool of candidates in which they have to prove themselves in a series of mental and physical challenges. The outcome is interpreted by a high order of lore-keepers and decides the ranking.   The current Archon is a female Rakhelion called Rozar Het’Kharra, a strong and iron-willed leader focused on improvement of foreign relations.   Their technological level is rather average, though it’s adapted to suit their needs. Thermal regulation wear is extremely common, especially in foreign habitats. As for combat, they mostly use beam weaponry, as plasma and ballistics are too destructive towards potential loot. The High Order of Lore-Keepers is an ancient Rakhelion organization that safeguards the reptilians' knowledge and guides the Archon towards a prosperous future for the race. It’s composure is mysterious, but a member may never attempt to be Archon. The Order governs the sacred library, an immense archive which is closed off even to the Archon. The Rakhelion military is composed of a main fleet and several minor retrieval fleets. Mobilization of the main fleet signifies either the discovery of a major artifact or a serious threat to the race. In addition to these fleets, there is a small regimen of specialists, used to ‘fix mistakes’, led by Captain Hutek Llettrax.

Facial characteristics

Rakhelion have 4 mandibles and two eyes with slit pupils. Several layers of Keratin are ‘loosely’ stacked atop each other to protect the brain from injury, by bolstering impacts. Spikes ranging from 5-15cm grow on top of the skull, mostly in the middle and very rarely in other places.

Average Intelligence

Rakhelion focus on education and knowledge. Whilst the average populace enjoys many years of studies, only acolytes of the Order of Lore-Keepers are granted access to the sacred libraries, a highly guarded archive that is regarded as the highest treasure of the Rakhelion.    The general education system is mandatory and efficient, the practices even used to teach Rakhelion outside of their home-borders. A member of a foreign species being taught the ways of the Rakhelion is considered as a big privilege and has to be earned by extraordinary deeds contributing to the reptilian society.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rakhelion rely on Infrared-sight, ‘seeing movement’ to an extremely accurate extent. There are unconfirmed legends of members of the race being able to sense another creatures heartbeat even when completely still.   They have a sensitive ‘hearing’ organ in their forehead instead of ears, which functions similar to echolocation and helps them communicate verbally.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Their technological level is rather average, though it’s adapted to suit their needs. Thermal regulation wear is extremely common, especially in foreign habitats. As for combat, they mostly use beam weaponry, as plasma and ballistics are too destructive towards potential loot.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Rakhelion speak in a series of squeaks, growls and clicks produced with their throat. With intense training they are able to mimic and reproduce languages used by other species, though they have a strong accent, speaking consonants sharply and rolling ‘r’s.
A Rakhelion, one of the UIW member races, models a typical sciences uniform for their people. by Alexander Panin


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