
The San'Gariel are an inward turned society. Genetic modification went out of control. Species have very little color. Highly advanced in the (banned for use) Genetic Technology range.  


Defensive fleet with large fortified star-bases. Access to the planet is very strictly regulated.

Basic Information


Humanoid body type. Remnants of wings. Featherless. Pale skins, light colored hair. Average height 2.1m.

Biological Traits

Highly interested in biological tech.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unknown due to closed society. Input to database required.

Ecology and Habitats

Home world consists of multiple climates. But 21 degrees C and high moisture factors are preferred.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A scientific democratic society. Only the brightest minds may enter the government.

Facial characteristics

Very dark grey or black skin. White hair, if any. Yellow or orange eyes.

Average Intelligence

Galactic Average' but highly advanced in genetics.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Considered regular hearing and sights. However genetic modifications on the individual level are common.

Civilization and Culture


The San'gariel is an old race. How old is still debated, but their civilization has records predating any of the four main factions.   They were a race of brightly coloured humanoids, having the most heavenly looking wings. Possibly one of the most extravagant species to date. Once the race discovered FTL travel they were one of the first to travel out into many systems. Remnants of this expansion can still be found at some remote places. But almost all these sites have been abandoned. During these explorations The San'gariel became more and more obsessed with beauty. They were compelled to find and incorporate the best and most exquisite into their own systems and tried to make themselves the best looking in the galaxy.   Once technology reached the level where genetic modification became accessible, the drive to search the galaxy faded. All focus was now on their own species, to make themselves even more extravagant. Different civil companies started to offer genetic modifications to anyone who could pay for it, creating a true industry.   At the peak of this genetic frenzy, inhabitants could vote for population wide genetic beautifications, transferred by a specially engineered virus. These events became very common and resulted in a fast increase in everyone's happiness. Because these viruses were engineered to infect as many as fast as possible, great care was taken to ensure no virus could mutate, but number 47308-V did, none of the safeguards worked and it spread just as fast as all the others did.   Though discovered early, it was no longer containable. The San'gariel lost their bright colours. Later Viruses released to try to repair the damage were rushed and made the whole situation even worse. They lost their feathers, leaving only the wing stumps. Colour was all but gone, making everything dark or white on the bodies.   Eventually all genetic modifications were banned, and enforcement of this new rule was absolutely brutal. Several lead scientist and their families where executed, which by itself didn't help the search for an answer.   They closed off their system out of shame. And it has only been a few hundred years that trade is slowly beginning to open up again. Their government is still looking for ways to repair the damage and progress is very slow. A solution is not expected for many generations, and is ever still an object of debate.   The San'gariel are now considered one of the only races that still possess highly advanced genetic technology, even though it has been banned by the galactic treaty.   It is said that for the right price genetic modifications can still be done at their home world. Though these prices are so high, only the most wealthy could hope to afford it. That is if they manage to get to the planet in the first place.
106 Years
Average Height
1.6. - 2.2 meters
Average Weight
95 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually a dark skin, and white hair. Females often have longer hair than the male counterpart. Remnants of wings on the back. Though they still have the ability to control their wings, they no longer serve a function.
Geographic Distribution


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