Scavengers Moon

Scavengers Moon is a class 7 planetoid circling a barren planet named Zerkatas by a long gone civilization. Zerkatas hasn't been inhabited, though the planetoid had a breathable atmosphere. The name 'Scavengers Moon' was not the original name, though in the present day it is only known by that one. Once, a species of small, sapient reptiloids inhabitet the moon peacefully, having reached the steam-age independently. Several centuries ago, humans decided to subdue this species, 'enlightening' it with modern day technology. After the great war against humans, the planet experienced a cataclysmic event, which eradicated most of the life on the surface. Since then, Scavengers Moon has been a post-apocalyptic wasteland, covered by ruins of once great cities. Though some of the reptiloids still inhabit the planet, no government exists, making it a lawless region. Many individuals seek this place to resolve their quarrels, flee the shackles of society or to seek adventure. Many forgotten treasures are buried beneath the ruins, and those that are lucky may be rewarded with rare loot. Beware of the dangers of the planet though- they come in numbers and at the most unexpected moments.


Most of the moons surface is covered in mountains and rocky deserts, and only 10% are covered by water. There are some major landmarks: the Rock-Edge Formation (A large, three- armed mountain range), the Troix-Pass (A straight canyon reaching almost around the planet), the Illiak-Horizon (a rocky desert that reaches around the whole northern hemisphere) and the Crystal Sea (9% of the surfaces water-body; in the middle of the Illiak Horizon). The planets crust is rich in polycrystalline sulfur, and the water is absolutely polluted with it, making it hazardous to take in for species that can't deconstruct the crystals in their digestive system. The planetoids ecosystem is extremely sparse, featuring only apex-predators and unyielding plants, that protect themselves with poison, parasites and sharp thorns. The moon takes survival of the fittest to a whole other level, making it a miracle that small communities have formed and endured for several centuries.

Localized Phenomena

In addition to droughts and an extremely thin atmosphere, the moon often suffers 'yellow hail', a rough storm that drops crystallized sulfur-ice from the skies. These crystals batter anything that doesn't get to cover in less than 10 seconds, dealing a lot of damage. Though this storm lasts only a few minutes, it's needles can easily shred living beings before its end. It occurs once or twice a day and is foreshadowed by a dark greenish sky.

Fauna & Flora

Flora: There are few plants that survive the extremely thin and toxic atmosphere and yellow hail. The ones that do have adapted in specific ways, mostly becoming deadly threats. Sharuk are vines, often called 'the mother of thorns'. They grow solitarily in covered places like in caves and under arches. A Sharuk has a large network of roots, as well as long, wide-spreading vines covered in sharp thorns. These thorns have hooks on their ends, which burrow into creatures skins and grapple them until they bleed out and give the plant nutrients by decomposing. Sulfurmites are flowers with an extraordinary longevity that absorb sulfur and turn it into sulfuric acid, giving off a stench of rot and attracting certain insects. Their nectar is extremely toxic for most species, but can be turned into fertilizer. Insects that feed on Sulfurmites spread this fertilizer along with seeds, ensuring the survival of the plant. It is most commonly found along crevices and growing under rocks. Catchers are big mushrooms, that seem to provide cover from the hail storms. While they provide some cover below their caps, they are also very soft, letting some of the crystals pierce through them, often killing creatures that hide beneath them. Whether they protect or betray you is a game of chance- if you win, you live; if you lose, the mushroom absorbs the nutrients from your rotting carcass. These often form big forests on wide open fields and regenerate at a fast rate.   Fauna: Animals that have adapted to this system are true survivors and apex-predators, truly prime organisms that can survive in the harshest environments. Twilight Moraine:  A terryfying stalker, this predator hides in small bodies of water to ambush unsuspecting prey. It is scaly, has tow frontlegs used for jumping, and grows two to twelve feet in length, depending on the size of the body of water. It can slither on land for several minutes and has a strong Jaw with long teeth that pierce skin, muscle tissue and bones with ease. Gurol: The Gurol is a big reptilian that has thick plating on its back. It is one of the only herbivores on the planet, mainly feeding on catchers. Gurol move in heards and can be quite dangerous while charging. They have four strong front legs and 2 smaller hindlegs used for impulsive maneuvering. Other animals often use their carcasses as shielding from the hail. Slog Crowns: These predators are solitary hunters that can reach high speeds and jump long distances. They are at the top of the food chain, using camouflaged scales, sharp claws, and several knife-like horns arranged into a crown on their forehead to stalk and immobilize their prey. Instead of sharp teeth, they have strong jaws with crushing plates to pulverize and tear their enemies apart.


This planet had been inhabitet by a species of small (2 feet average) reptiloids, that reached sapience and formed their own society. They advanced through the ages and thrived on this once green and fertile planet, reaching the steam-engine age before outside interference. Unfortunately they were caught up in commercial human expansion, and 'enlightened' by the modern day technology to serve as a mining outpost. The planets core was rich in solid sulfur and other minerals, a great deep-drill was installed to harvest them. As the human age came to a violent end, so did the outpost; the drill exploding and spewing toxic amounts of sulfur into the environment. Since then, the atmosphere has taken a major blow, most of the moons water has evaporated and the jungles replaced by rocky deserts. It is a desolate place, but a tiny amount of reptiloids have endured, claiming their few settlements and rejecting 'help' from any alien life. They do communicate and sometimes trade/ interact with outsiders, but will not join them or accept any form of foreign government. In the centuries since human loss, the moon has become a meeting point for outlaws and those wanting to escape the stress of society. Many ruins are yet to be discovered, and much of the species buried history to be learned.   There are 3 small settlements of the nameless reptiloids scattered across the moon, each with about 30 inhabitants. On top of that, countless abandoned ruins can be found in the southern hemisphere, cities of the past with unexplored subterranean levels and complexes. These ruins are often inhabited by dangerous plants and animals, as they provide some protection from sulfur crystals.
Planetoid / Moon


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