
Shou'tou are an NPC race and not usable as a player character selection.

Shou’tou are considered to be a race of savages or barbarians. They raid other species for goods, food and technology. It is said the the Shou’tou have never created anything for themselves. Everything they have and know they have taken from others. Shou’tou believe they gain the strength and knowledge of other people by consuming their flesh. So it is common for them to capture living sentient beings in order to eat them.   They are highly proficient at raiding styles of battle. They are strong, fast, and tough. It is very difficult to win a hand to hand fight with a Shou’tou due to their unpredictable berserker methods during battle. It is common for raiding groups to have reinforced nosecones on their ships so they can ram opposing ships. Once embedded into the ship, they will flood into the enemy ship and attack from within.   Shou'tou originally evolved on the 3rd planet of the Iglass System. Though that world is now ruined, they continue to operate from an unknown location.

Basic Information


The Shou'tou body has four limbs (two arms and two legs), a head and a neck which connect to the torso. The body's shape is determined by a strong skeleton made of bone and cartilage, surrounded by fat, muscle, connective tissue, organs, and other structures. They have retractable claws on their fingers and toes. They remain retracted until puberty when the bloody and painful process of their emergence.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shou'tou have two physical sexes and reproduce in standard mammalian methods. A male impregnates a female who gestates the child internally. Length of pregnancy is unknown.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their growth rate is relatively equal with the galactic average for species maturity rates. Shou'tou youth enter puberty between 11 and 14 and reach full maturity around 25.   During puberty, Shou'tou lose the ability to control their hair-tendrils and their claws begin to emerge. While extending their claws will normally cause a small amount of blood, the early emergences of their claws will bleed profusely.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are a meat eating species and have been observed to eat victims captured during raids.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Very little is known about the societies of the Shou'tou. It is believed they live in societal structures similar to clans with a Chieftain and/or Matriarch leading.

Facial characteristics

Shou'tou faces consist of two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Their sclera of their eyes are black and the fluid is acidic. Tears stain their face. Their teeth are razor sharp for biting and cutting into flesh and meat.

Average Intelligence

There is no known standardized education system in place. It is believed they are educated by Matriarchs of their respective clans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While not confirmed, rumors exist that Shou'tou possess and extrasensory perception beyond the observed senses on their bodies.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

They are a parasitic race that acquires technology and knowledge from other races by raiding.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Only one language/dialect has been observed from Shou'tou raiding parties. The language is simply called Shou'tou for lack of a better name.
Average Height
1.7 - 2.1 meters
Average Weight
70 - 94 kg
Average Physique
Dense muscular fibers grant the Shou'Tou an above average strength to beings of comparable size. Combined with rigorous physical training they are formidable combatants.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin color is varying shades of pink, from a dark almost red color to bright pink. In place of hair on their head they have thin tendrils. they are the same color as their skin tone and gradually shift to blue at the tip. young Shou'tou are able to control the tendrils like weak tentacles though lose the ability as they mature.


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