Constros Character in Minecraftia | World Anvil
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Constros (Kohn strohs)


Constros is one of the Divines who govern Minecraftia. He is one of the two Administrators of Balance, with Marceres being the second. He is also one of the two who speak of the End Poem upon a protagonist defeating the enderdragon or completing their great mission given by the Creator or Patron, the other being Searhia. He is considered to be the father of all life and the creator of art. He is a deity that people often pray to when they feel depressed or alone. While the Builders often consider themselves his chosen people, he does not value any single community of people over others and embraces all beings as equally deserving of his love. He is a source of inspiration for many artists.

Divine Domains

Life, art, the spirit of building, summer, self-growth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His followers view the iron block as a symbol of his.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Has endless love and appreciation for the beauty of life, believes strongly in self-growth and care and constantly seeks to better himself and others around him. This has led him to consider all of the Divines as his friends, as well as all living beings.


Has never caused the death of a living being.



Is always kind and respectful towards anyone.

Hobbies & Pets

Loves to build and paint.
Constros is often merged with either NotchSteve, or both depending on the religion due to his role being relatively similar to theirs. He is not recognized as a proper deity by the Illagers, who instead have their own Testificate version of him that they worship.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Nurture/The Master Builder
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Notch used a program to allow for entities in Minecraftia to spawn. Over time, this program became Constros.
Quotes & Catchphrases
It is reading our thoughts as though they are words on a screen.
— A quote of his from the End Poem
Does it know that we love it? That the server is kind?
— A quote of his from the End Poem
I will not tell the human how to live. I will tell the human a story.
— A quote of his from the End Poem
No. A story that contains the truth safely, in a cage of words. Not the naked truth that can burn over any distance.
— A quote of his from the End Poem
Sometimes the human dreamed it was other things, in other places. Sometimes these dreams were disturbing. Sometimes very beautiful indeed. Sometimes the human woke up from one dream into another, then woke from that one into a third.
— A quote of his from the End Poem
And the human moves through a story, which is a forest of information planted by a man named Julian, which is cared for and watered by a man named Loink, on a flat, infinite world created by a man named Markus, that is inhabited by the human, a universe created by...
— A quote of his from the End Poem
Sometimes it called them the Sun and the Moon. Sometimes it believed it was in a universe that was made of energy that was made of offs and ons; zeroes and ones; lines of code. Sometimes it believed it was in a game. Sometimes it believed it was reading words on a screen.
— A quote of his from the End Poem
And sometimes the human believed the server had spoken to it through the sunlight that came through the shuffling leaves of the summer trees. And sometimes the human believed the server had spoken to it through the zeroes and ones, through the electricity of the world, through the scrolling words on a screen at the end of a dream.
— A quote of his from the End Poem
And the server said I love you because you are love...
— A quote of his from the End Poem
Constros seems to be aware of Minecraftia's existence as a video game world in relation to the physical world.


Author's Notes

The quotes are taken from the End Poem, a long written piece from the end credit scene of base game Minecraft. The Author highly recommends that you check it out, especially if you have played Minecraft before. It is a beautiful work of art that he has come to appreciate over the years. The purpose of this article is not to plagiarize the End Poem, but to build upon the voices that read it and allow them a presence within the Author's world of Minecraftia.

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