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Creation Myth

Eternity ago there was nothing except the endless void. Then Minrath opened their eyes. From their right eye, the planes of Law and Chaos were created and from their left eye the planes of Good and Evil burst forth. From their center eye came our world. At seeing existence in the void Minrath wept at its beauty their tears swept across the Heavens and Hells and drained into our world creating the sea. From each drop of Minrath’s tears, life sprung forth populating the planes with all manner of creatures. Looking at this life Minrath was pleased, they were most pleased with what they saw at the center of their creation, where all life converged. Here there was a vast variety of creatures in the waters that covered the world that fascinated Minrath. Reaching out their hands Minrath cupped the world protecting it from the other planes which warred amongst themselves. From one hand arose the plane of fire and forged the sun, from another the plane of air and engendered the winds, from the third came the plane of water originating the rains and ice lands, and from the last arose the plane of earth that bred the First Island. Seeing these new joys Minrath laughed and their breath washed across the land infusing the planet with magic. From this magic, the races of the land were birthed. When Minrath saw these delicate creatures they wept once more and they continue to weep at the beauty of this land constantly filling it with life-giving water. Minrath continues to watch us and all of their creations, weeping at the beauty of it all.


This is the creation myth accepted by most of the races on Minrath. There are variations of the myth that include more planes (Feywild, Astral Sea, etc.) or the creation of specific races.

Historical Basis

It is unknown how accurate this story is. To the common folk, that give it thought, of course, it is true. To those that study the planes and cosmos on the other hand...debates do often occur.
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