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Culture of Radan Cri

  • It is left up to parents to teach their children what they need to learn. For many, this means the family's job (baker, pottery, etc) and how to write/read but not much else.
  • Sand elf wanderers are relatively well-educated compared to most settled folk as they have multiple skills as part of their education.
  • There are schools that the wealthy can send their children to the cities or tutors they can hire. Learning about the lands outside of Radan Cri is highly sought-after knowledge as it can expand power among the wealthy by making connections for trading opportunities.
  • There are two writing systems in Radan Cri. One for commoners, with a formal holy script for priests and nobles. The commoner script developed out of a need for recorded before the Common writing system became well known - it is still used to this day by most not living in cities. The Holy Script is kept from the common people for holy ceremonies and blessings.
Marriage and Family
  • Sand Elves: Varies depending on their tribe but most allow for free marriage to non-Sand Elves or Sand Elves of the same tribe. Marriage to a different tribe is usually arranged to bring peace between those tribes or strengthen a bond. Family is highly important with many Sand Elves living with their family for most of their lives, a lone Sand Elf is strange especially if not on a specific job.
  • Rest of Radan Cri: Arranged marriage is the most common but often the children have some say in the matter - and once married if one partner dies the other is free to marry whomever they choose. Divorce is not common but accepted and women often gain land of their own this way and freedom from their families. Family is important but less present compared to Sand Elves.
  • It is not uncommon for upperclassmen to have multiple wives at a time as marriage is mostly a business transaction. Some women (who own land) have been known to have multiple husbands but that is less common. Crown Prince Sebekem is well known for having six wives already.
  • Sand Elves: Easily packed up tents made with heavy cloth and animal skin to keep out the sand. They are cool during the day and easily warmed at night. Many Sand Elf tribes do have semi-permanent tent "cities" where the leaders of their tribe and the elders/infirm live but they are always ready to be moved.
  • Rest of Radan Cri: Most homes and buildings are made from sun-dried mud bricks with a mud-coating. More expensive homes and buildings are made from sandstone and often covered with white alabaster before being painted brilliant colors.
  • Sand Elves: Travel is their way of life. Most joyfully accept adventurers to come and travel with them for safety along their routes and many Sand Elves are available for hire by adventurers as guides - most of these are reliable but there are some that will lead them into traps to steal all their belongings. It is strange when Sand Elves go off to adventure without their family but accepted so long as contact is maintained - and often two or three young Sand Elves will adventure together rather than singularly.
  • Rest of Radan Cri: In many small towns outsiders are viewed with suspicion and hurried along quickly - this is mostly because of the potential drain on resources that adventurers and outsiders can be. Sand Elf groups are generally accepted as they bring their own supplies and stay on the edge of towns.
  • It is known that many adventurers often go into the desert to never return. It is advised that travelers stick to the coasts or along the river.
  • Light cotton that covers the whole body is most common in the form of a long robe or dress for both men and women. Usually white but can easily be found dyed vibrant colors. Thicker cotton or fur wraps are used to keep warm in the cold evenings.
  • Hair and face coverings are common as well to help keep sand from the hair and eyes.
  • Not wearing any clothes or just a skirt/pants is very common as well for both men as women. Small children usually run around naked.
  • Sand Elves: most are traveling merchants bringing goods from place to place. The wealthiest tribes have a near-monopoly over the salt fields in Southern Radan Cri. This high-quality salt is highly sought after and sells at a high cost in the market.
  • Rest of Radan Cri: Many people rely on subsistence farming and fishing. There is enough for larger towns along the river to trade and see some wealth with the trade of fruit to outsiders but in smaller villages wealth is scarce. Some areas have found wealth by selling intricate reed baskets and other crafts to outsiders or becoming a known rest stop for adventurers.
  • The vast majority of people worshiping the Cri/God-King Cri Neopeth. It is believed that he is the only thing holding the desert at bay from swallowing up the river and poisoning the coasts after the "gods of the outsiders" cursed the land. He is also believed to be the avatar of the sun - providing warmth and life but a harsh slow killer to those that do not take heed.
  • The goddess Nut has found a larger cult following and some believe her to be the wife of Cri. They will call the high wife of the Cri Nut and worship her. This is discouraged by the Cri and his priests but he has been unable to wipe out the idea.
  • In the past few centuries, as there was more trade with outsiders, some of the smaller gods of the main pantheon have been worshiped. However, worship of the rain, water, and sun gods is still outlawed even to outsiders.
  • Tithing must be given to a temple of Cri once a year. It is acceptable to be relative to your wealth but most give more in hopes of a blessing.
  • Slavery is legal and common. However, there are laws about the treatment of slaves. They must have proper water, food, shelter, etc, and cannot be maimed by their owners. If mistreated slaves have the right to sue for freedom at the temples of Cri.
  • The word of Cri is the ultimate law. Whatever he says is followed to the letter to matter how nonsensical it may seem.
  • Fish and game birds for most with some of the upper-class affording imported red meat. Chicken and insects are a common food source for the poorest but also found in many dishes
  • Garlic is surprisingly common. Figs, dates, lentils, onions, rice, and barley comprise most dishes. Bread is mostly flatbreads and it is known that low-quality flour will wear down your teeth with bits of sand over time. This is a major problem for longer-lived races/people in poorer areas.
  • Beer is the most common alcoholic drink though Sand Elf wine is a sought-after commodity. Water is considered carefully, especially while traveling, as oases are found to be poisonous in some areas.

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