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King of the Elysian Plain barbarian tribes in what is now Northwest Eckril. His lands are currently under siege by merchants attempting to plunder the land's resources. Mercenary groups have attacked multiple settlements killing indiscriminately. He recently traveled City of Nassos to discuss a peace treaty but was attacked upon arrival. Luckily, the group now known as the Wonder Seekers were able to aid him and at his insistence assisted him in negotiating the peace treaty.    Later it was revealed the Boneskulls were responsible for the attacks on his life and these attacks continued after leaving Nassoss. Due to the Wonder Seekers Rami was able to survive these attacks and they determined that his brother Devasu was a traitor.

Mental characteristics


Rami is pansexual. He prefers women but has taken men to his bed before. Rami is married to a small harem of women and men but still takes other lovers when he desires. In the culture of the Elysian tribes, open relationships and polygamy/polyandry are common.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Facing the threat of the settled folk coming into the Elysian Plains Rami was able to broker treaties with all the tribes for the first time in centuries. In doing so he brought together the battle-loving Orcs, the isolated Shifters, the peaceful Minotaurs, and even the party-loving Satyrs; along with the other human dominated tribes. This war lasted for over 20 years until the treaty in 2999.

Failures & Embarrassments

Rami failed to see that his brother Devasu was giving information to the enemies of the Elysian Tribes. Furthermore, his Niece, Dido, had given information to the Eckrilians that led to the death of one of his wives.


Family Ties

Rami has six spouses.
  1. Queen Myrrh (head wife)
  2. Tantana
  3. Cara
  4. Maximus
  5. Tuz
  6. Guldra (deceased)
From his spouses, Rami has nine children
  1. Manu (Eldest son; from Myrrh)
  2. Nadi (Eldest daughter; from Myrrh)
  3. Nihirila (2nd daughter; from Myrrh)
  4. Kaless (3rd daughter; from Tantana)
  5. Ailluin (2nd son; from Cara)
  6. Sha'mob (youngest son; from Guldra)
  7. Sharn (4th daughter; from Guldra)
  8. Caynez (youngest daughter; from Cara)
  9. Valla (Non-binary child, youngest; from Myrrh)
Rami also has an elder Brother, Devasu, a sister-in-law, Adonna, and a niece, Dido.

Wealth & Financial state

To Eckrilians Rami would be considered extremely wealthy given his access and possession of numerous high-quality gemstones. However, Rami put little stock in their value seeing himself as wealthy due to his loving family and healthy tribespeople. He otherwise lives in comfort with enough to eat and drink as he pleases.
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd of Brise
Year of Birth
2946 CW 53 Years old
Dreadlocks with grey at the roots
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
Naturalism/Spirit Worship

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