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History of Eckril

A brief history of the Country of Eckril

  • 2178 CW

    2623 CW

    Eckrillian Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The Eckrillian Empire lasted for over 450 years and created the groundwork for the Eckril that is known today. It ended with the Armistice of the First Island in 2623.

  • 2589 CW


    Nassos Trading Company Founded

    Though insignificant at the time this was an important first step in creating the Nassos and Eckril we have today

  • 2623 CW

    5 /7

    Armistice Day
    Diplomatic action

    On this day the First Island nations knew a lasting peace between them which marked the official end of the Great War during which all nations were at war with each other.

  • 2999 CW

    3 /1

    Elysian Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Chief Rami and the Nassos guilds of the Boneskulls, Fireforge, the Golden Syndicate, Muratore, and Emerald Embers reached the peace deal to end the conflict between the Elysian tribes and the guilds. This conflict had lasted for about 20 years and saw the tribes of the Elysian Plains suffer heavy losses. This peace treaty was aided by an academic of the Alibris Academy and 5 people who Rami brought in as advocates. The terms of the treaty are as follows:

    • Nassos officially recognizes the Elysian tribes as the original and native inhabitants of the land. The Governor appointed by Prince Kristos will act in the tribe's sted for bureaucratic purposes.
    • Traders, prospectors, and all other non-tribal members can only extract resources from them on the land in the areas that the Elysian tribes allow and under their guidance to make sure the land isn't harmed.
    • A port will be built along the Great Fresh Sea to aid in the transport of mined goods.
    • Mercenaries on the land can stay but they must end all hostilities. If the mercenaries enact violence against the tribes once more the tribes can defend themselves and seek retribution.