Fog Slowing

Table of Contents


Humidity in the air accumulates and condensates more slowly. Even at lower temperatures or in humid air, fog is dissolved.

Side/Secondary Effects

Exhaustion tends to weaken both the wielder's personality traits and cognitive processes. Symptoms can include:    
  • being caught off guard by attacks
  • bumping into obstacles
  • searching for obvious things
  • struggling to comprehend words
  • being less social than usual
  • being less inhibited in the company of others
  • being less forgiving about other's actions
  • being less passionate about one's interests
  • Gestures & Ritual
    varies by culture
    Related Element
    Effect Duration
    while concentration lasts
    depends on invested effort
    basic attunement
    Character(s) with Ability

    Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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