
Table of Contents
A Wolfblood with ice powers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Feng is tall and muscular. She is stuck in her bestial form, but she is (mostly) fine with that.

Special abilities

Her elements are Air and Fog. She has freezing powers and other related abilities, such as armoring herself with ice scales or creating small, localized snow storms.

Apparel & Accessories

Feng embraces the feral aspect of her form and never wears any clothing. However, she does encase herself in ice armor when she needs added protection.

Mental characteristics


She is attracted to women but had very few opportunities to act on this.


Feng does not appear to have any formal education, although that's hard to say with the gaping hole in her memory. She can hardly read and only do basic calculations.


Feng ended up in slavery as an adolescent. Normally, the soldiers that caught her would have been legally required to execute her, but she happened to encounter a squad whose leader was keen on earning additional money. Strong workers are always in demand, and since Feng is barely distinguishable from a regular transformed Werewolf, nobody took notice.   People tend to ignore the fact that her ears are longer and narrower than they should be. Her long fur also hides the Ground seal that was put around her neck to neutralize her Air powers.

Mental Trauma

Feng hardly remembers her childhood. Her memory begins in early winter 1372 when she was found by a group of Werewolf hunters near a forest stream - barely alive, in her bestial form, and with her fur soaked in blood that may or may not have come from her own wounds.   She never managed to shift back into her regular form, and is haunted by recurring nightmares that do not quite make sense.

Intellectual Characteristics

Feng has her street smarts, but no patience for solving complex problems. She prefers to go with her gut feelings.

Personality Characteristics


Even after 24 years, Feng still struggles to grasp who she really is or what she wants in life. She is desperate to find out what happened when she was a young adolescent, but at the same time, she is terrified of what might lurk behind the memory loss. Unable to solve that dilemma, she is focused on survival by making herself useful to others.

Likes & Dislikes

Feng likes a good beer, especially because it is a rare treat for slaves and only available on select holidays. She also finds comfort in singing work songs with her fellow slaves and hired workers.   She utterly detests being restricted and lacking control over her own life. This makes her very possessive of what little she considers hers, and she hates having competition for any of those things.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is passionate and very protective of people that she cares about.

Vices & Personality flaws

She has a serious temper problem, and despite being punished for it many times, she has no motivation to change. Feng considers her aggression a strength and her only means for rebelling against her circumstances.


Contacts & Relations

"Bet your pretty ears on it, Lady. I'm not letting you outta my sight again."
— Feng assuring Ria of her loyalty
  Feng is quick to join Ria's cause. Partly out of gratitude for being free at last, and partly because she is smitten with the elegant assassin from the first moment.

Social Aptitude

Feng is outgoing, but also distrustful and quite rude. She rarely hides what she thinks, has a habit of nicknaming people and shows no respect for personal space. When she gets angry, she quickly escalates from verbal to physical aggression.
Adopt Credits
Original Artwork
Kingslayer Vol.01
Werewolf-Elf Hybrid
How I got her
design commission
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
probably around the year 1360
blue with black sclera and round pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark bluish-gray fur
3.31 m
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Southern Wolfish (fluent)
Northern Elvish (basic)
Elemental Attunement
Air (primary)
Fog (secondary)
Body (dormant)

Magic Abilities

Air Attunement   Fog Attunement   Body Attunement   Blended Attunement

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski
Character Portrait image: by Kathrin Janowski


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