Plant Reading

Table of Contents


People with this ability are extremely sensitive to details in a plant's appearance, smell or taste. For example, they can not only perceive the normal fragrance of a flower, but also the subtle chemical messages that plants use to communicate with others of their kind. They can sense the water as it runs in the stem and evaporates through the leaves, or pick up on the slow movements of a tree reaching towards the sun.   These perceptions, in turn, form a language of their own. To an experienced reader, they provide in-depth information about a plants' identity, wellbeing, needs and abilities. It should also be noted that this ability makes no difference between "true" plants, fungi or lichen. Most readers specialize in one kind of life form, depending on what is prevalent in their environment or based on personal preference. Some focus on a particular subset, such as field crops or decorative flowers, while others enjoy studying all the different "dialects".

Side/Secondary Effects

While a detailed analysis requires attention and patience, many of these perceptions happen subconsciously. Most plant readers learn to ignore the constant background noise, much like those attuned to the other elements. However, unlike water or mineral deposits, plants are living beings and therefore active communicators. This can make certain events overwhelming for people with this ability.   For example, spring time can be quite a challenge with all plants clamoring for the insects' attention. Harvest season can feel very different, depending on how willingly the plants in question provide that which people consider edible. An orchard where ripe fruits are plucked may resonate with joy, but a field of cabbage may exude grief. Being near a drought-stricken field, a forest fire or a vermin-infested area can be downright painful.
Gestures & Ritual
Related Element
Effect Duration
basic attunement
Character(s) with Ability
Lex Herabur

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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