Lex Herabur

Table of Contents

Lex Herabur Donurzeg

An alchemist with plant-related powers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a light build, more suited for studies and sneaking than for hard work or hand-to-hand combat.

Identifying Characteristics

His skin is marked with countless gashes that glow green, especially when he is tapping into his connection to the Element of Plant. Besides that, his eyes are of different colors. The left iris is green whereas the right one has a bright red hue.

Special abilities

As a Plant reader, he is highly sensitive to their tiniest identifying details and most subtle communication. This intuitive connection helps with handling poisonous specimens and gives him a general idea what kind of effect an unknown plant's products might have. He can also manipulate plants into growing faster or producing more powerful substances.   Despite his best efforts, he was never able to shift into bestial form. The only results he has to show for it are dense body hair and non-Elven feet. His later attempts at "fixing" his body revealed a different ability instead - that of transforming his skin and fur into plant parts like leaves or blossoms.

Mental characteristics


Ever since primary school, Lex has been trying to make the best of his Plant powers in order to prove (to himself and others) that they deserved respect. He spent a lot of time reading through botanical guide books, while using his innate talents to study different species directly. A lot of these studies, however, involved practical experiments with poisoning the people he disliked.   This knowledge came in handy while he was on the run. It not only helped him survive in the forests, but also caused the villagers of Knig'inim to spare him beause Toshun, the local alchemist, considered him useful. Lex learned the fundamentals of the trade from Toshun, and when he was inevitably pressured into leaving, his teacher provided him with a recommendation letter to Grandmaster Haran in the Great-Kingdom of Norume. There, Lex spent several years studying more advanced techniques.   He returned to Fir'arun after graduating, since both kingdoms were similarly dangerous for hybrids but the desert climate of Norume was an additional downside.

Mental Trauma

Since early childhood, Lex had been struggling to be accepted by other kids his age. Elven parents did not like to see their children playing with a "mongrel" while Werewolf children mocked him for his more Elven physique. When it became clear that his Elemental attunement was Plant - not only a secondary element but also one associated with women - the mockeries became more vicious. Lex, in turn, started getting into trouble more often than not, either for stupid attempts at impressing his classmates or for going too far when retaliating for the way he was treated.   While he could usually turn to his Elven mother for support, his Werewolf father got increasingly exasperated with him. When interspecies pairings were outlawed, this was a welcome excuse to leave the troublesome boy and his mother behind. Many villagers were more than happy to report the illegal hybrid to the authorities, and Lex' mother sent her son to flee while she tried to lead the soldiers in the wrong direction.   As a fugitive, he had more bad experiences with finding new homes only to lose them soon after. Consequently, Lex has severe problems with forming meaningful relationships. He is quick to approach people and grow attached, but at the same time he is constantly watching out for signs of rejection, expecting to be chased away for the slightest mistake.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is very perceptive and quick to come up with solutions. However, he does not always think things through properly - his vindictive streak and tendency to go overboard with it sometimes leave him with more trouble than he started with.

Personality Characteristics


Most of the time he already considers himself lucky to be alive and works towards maintaining this state. More than that, however, he longs for people to recognize his achievements and to actually appreciate his presence.  
"Tsssss - don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing as a 'love potion'. Trust me. I've spent years researching that."
— Lex sharing knowledge

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Lex is highly skilled in chemistry. He knows how to extract toxins, acids or oils from plants, and how to combine them to achieve specific effects. His specialty are poisons of every kind, but he is also experienced with creating various types of explosives or medicinal products.   Coincidently, this also translates to great cooking skills.  
"Augh, that's enough! At least put some garlic in there! And a few herbs! It's not that difficult!"

"If you know so much better, then why don't you do it?"

"... Yeah. I probably should."
— Lex disagreeing with Thakon's pragmatic approach to feeding the pack

Likes & Dislikes

Lex hates being ridiculed or excluded, and by extension anybody who treats people that way.   His relationship to his Plant powers is very ambivalent - on one hand, he despises them for the problems that they caused him in childhood, but on the other hand, plants have never mocked, beaten or betrayed him. On the contrary, focusing on a plant's morphological details turned out very useful for silencing his inner demons.   Forests usually make him feel safe since they provide lots of opportunities for hiding and making the most of his attunement. However, this only applies in the warm months. As a lonely child on the run, he often had to face the dilemma of either freezing to death or approaching people who might be equally dangerous.   Another factor that stopped him from staying in the forest is that he can't bear isolation for long. Lex does not like being alone with his own thoughts because his inner demons are all too eager to remind him of his shortcomings and all the ways in which he ruined his life.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is very attentive and helpful towards people he likes. Those who gain his loyalty are likely to keep it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lex tends to be petty and hold grudges for a long time. On top of that, he is insidious and will gleefully set traps for whoever he feels has wronged him. Depending on the overall relationship with the person in question, these can range from merely annoying to painful or downright lethal.   His craving for affection also makes him cling to people who have been kind to him.


Contacts & Relations

He is deeply grateful for the chance to join Ria's Pack, and the idea of making the King pay for their struggles strongly appeals to him.

Family Ties

Even before he was cast out from society, his relationship with his family was strained. He never lived up to the expectations of his Werewolf relatives, being too scrawny for their standards and unable to shift to the bestial form. His father considered him a major disappointment while his uncle and two older cousins rarely missed an opportunity to belittle and ridicule him.   When Lex started causing trouble at school, his father showed no interest in understanding why and responded with physical punishment instead. Although his mother was always ready to offer love and comfort, Lex feels bitter because she often hesitated to step between him and his father, and rarely called her husband out on the way he was treating their son. Nevertheless, Lex still misses her and appreciates that she gave her life to throw the soldiers off his trail.   Consequently, Lex kept his maternal surname but refuses to identify with the paternal one.

Social Aptitude

Lex' self-esteem is all over the place. He often gets defensive even before anybody starts to criticize him, still all too aware of the shortcomings that he was accused of in childhood. Other times, he displays aggravating amounts of pride in his abilities or his looks, as if he was overcompensating for not living up to the standards of other people.   He is also prone to joking around at inappropriate times or snapping at people with little warning.


He grins and laughs a lot, especially when he's in a malicious mood. Furthermore, he has a habit of rubbing his neck or running his fingers through his hair.


He speaks rather quickly and mostly in short sentences. He also uses a lot of non-linguistic fillers and markers.
Adopt Credits
Original Artwork
Kingslayer Vol.01
Werewolf-Elf Hybrid
How I got him
design commission
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Day 24 of Mid Autumn Moon, 1364
green (left) and red (right),
with slit pupils and white sclerae
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.82 m
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Southern Wolfish (fluent)
Northern Elvish (fluent)
Desert Elvish (fluent)
Elemental Attunement
Plant (primary)
Body (weak)

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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