Azran to His Majesty, the Emperor

The letter Azran sent to the Emperor of Empire of Dercia not only contained a short report of how the region Azran had been given were doing, like status of the armed forces located there and the general mood of the population.   While Azran doesn't write many letters, just ask his family, following events that have taken place in the last few months. Azran felt it was needed for him to write a letter to the Emperor, and a small part of his brain thanked the gods that he has known Ira for as long as he has and through her met the Emperor which would make the delivery of a personal letter much easier.  
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)
Many of the events Azran write about takes place in Tales around Mirateia 26


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Jul 15, 2023 13:34 by Bart Weergang

I like how you've written the letter! It really sounds like the Azran you've created in the Tales. It makes me curious if you'll ever write the scene where the Emperor recieves this, I hope he giggles at the same parts as I did.

Jul 15, 2023 13:38

I might write chapter 27 from his perspective as I currently have no inspiration for the Azran/Ira point of view xD

Jul 15, 2023 14:11 by Bart Weergang

That would be cool, having some insight in his motives and ideas, would be cool for us readers, (and might spark some more ideas for you :)

Jul 20, 2023 21:07 by Laurabones

I agree with Jacob.

Jul 15, 2023 14:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

"Hello, things are going okay, glory and honour to you, but also why is there an army on my doorstep? kthxbai."   Such a great letter. I like the bit that says Azran has no remorse for hitting the prince, lol.

Jul 15, 2023 20:25

Yeah pretty much :D   Yeah, he is not going to lose any sleep over him, probably wish he had hit harder if anything xD

Jul 20, 2023 22:16 by Bart Weergang

LOL Emy, that's an excellent summary XD