Blades of Aeloria

The Blades of Aeloria was an elite unit within the old kingdom of Ilisk, located in the Central Dercia, its task was that of protecting the king and his family, they were known to have unwavering loyalty towards the crown, so much so that it's said that sometimes a member of the  Blades of Aeloria would be sent to represent the king in his stead.   The armour of the Blades of Aeloria incorporated a unique serpentine motif, they were one of the few users of Loricata armour in the Dercian Region. the metal of their armour was typically treated in a way that gave it a green shine to it.   The Blades of Aeloria were established during a tumultuous time for the kingdom, the kingdom had experienced multiple assassination attempts with some of them being successful, precisely which king formed the unit has been lost to time or most likely been destroyed when the kingdom fell to the legions coming out of Pearlhal during Pearlhals rise to Imperial power.   The Blades of Aeloria were last seen in action when they were defending the royal palace in the capital city of Bas, testimonies from soldiers who survived the slaughter of the palace as it became known, say that the Blades fought as if possessed like they believed that if they could hold on long enough that the enemy would lose hope and retreat, the Blades fought for every room and corridor of the palace and its believed that for every blade of Aeloria that fell, the enemy lost at least four soldiers.   One of the most legendary member of the Blades of Aeloria was that of Caleria Selenis, she gained her fame when she and a small squad of other Blades prevented a civil war breaking out between to branches of the royal family, she did it by exposing that the two sides were being played against each other by outside forces.
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Jul 11, 2024 21:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like that they are so trusted that they sometimes stand in for the king. Were they all killed in the slaughter in the palace or is that just the last time they had to fight?

Jul 11, 2024 22:51

There were a handful that survived but the unit was disbanded shortly after :)

Aug 4, 2024 21:30 by Marjorie Ariel

Incredibly loyal! That's amazing that they could stand in for the king sometimes. Your description of their fighting reminds me of the Cassiline brotherhood in the Kushiel's Legacy books by Jaqueline Carey.

Aug 4, 2024 22:13

Thank you :)