Denira's Fangs

Denira's Fangs is the name given to a mountain range located in the eastern regions of the  Empire of Dercia. its one of the longest mountain ranges in the Empire.   Denira is the local name of a legendary monster that the locals believe was fighting the gods when they created the world and that the mountains are the monster's fangs. Each year on a certain day the local villages go to a small shrine erected at the foot of the mountains, where they will bring a small offering, typically a piece of the locally raised farm animals, the idea behind bringing the offering is to thank the gods for killing the monster.   For outsiders, the mountains dont hold the same mythological value. However, they are still avoided, but this is generally because they are dangerous with plenty of loose rocks that make climbing dangerous and they are barren for almost all life with only a handful of plans calling the mountainsides their home.   One of the local villages has a local legend that their part of Denira´s Fangs is home to some sort of monster, no one has been able to identify it, the only known feature of the monster is that it walks on all four, despite several groups of adventures have set out to find and maybe defeat the monster, so far only one person has survived and the only thing he revealed was that it were fast and it came and attacked them during the night. Some have suggested that it might be one of the fabled Feathered Dragons it has yet to be confirmed and with no one being willing to risk going into the mountains to find the lair of the beast, it remains a mystery.


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