Orinaths rule

Nobody really knows when the rule was first created or who Orinath is, but it's a rule that people who live near bodies of water have known forever and it's told by parents to their children and then to their children.  
Wait half an hour after eating before going into the water.
- Orinaths rule
The rules go on about that if someone was eating and then went straight to the water for a swim, then they could get into trouble because the body would be to busy digesting the food to pump blood to the arms and legs, making it dangerous going swimming.   The thing about the rule is that everybody knows that the dangers the rule is warning one about are not true and that it's just an old tale the parents say to their children after eating because the parents would rather have a small nap after lunch than watch the children, likewise, it would also give the parents some quiet for about half an hour.   Even though people know that it's just an old tale parents still pass it down through the generations as it is one of those tales that dont do anything bad and it's a nice excuse for the parents to tell their children to be quiet for a time while their parents get some much-needed rest.   The people living near the coast are the most vivid users of the rule and they make a big number out of telling visitors from the interiors about the rule, they always make the rule sound more important and dangerous than it is only to laugh at the visitors a moment after when the fear is painted all over their faces.


The myth is known to some degree all over the Empire of Dercia and other nations, bacisally anywhere with a coastline or lake know some version of the myth.
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Jul 7, 2024 13:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Haha, I've definitely heard this one in real life. Fun little article. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2024 13:12

Thank you :)

Jul 8, 2024 10:19 by Ephraïm Boateng

Hmmm, this rule sounds familiar lol. Nice

Jul 8, 2024 10:43

Im sure its just a coincident ;) Thanks :)