Rahgar Nirang

Rahgar Nirang is the name given to the secret Inquisitorial order of the Ibraghian Theocracy and works directly underneath the Fylkir, the leader of the Theocracy.   The Rahgar Nirang is one of the oldest organisations of the Theocracy. While the precise year of their founding has been forgotten, they have been active since the old provinces in this region of the Ancient Empire gained their independence from the Empire.   During this time they have been working for the Fylkir and have been tasked with eradicating what the Fylkir deems moral corruption of the mind of his subjects, both within the Theocracys borders and outside, one of their main places to operate in are the Empire of Dercia, which they deem to be truly heretical as the Dercian region never truly embraced the old gods of the Ancient Empire as the Theocracy has. So while on the surface, the two states have a cold but working relationship, underneath the surface, a religious war is raging.   The Rahgar Nirang works in small teams of 4-5 members and will infiltrate the intended target with the purpose of whether rumours of moral corruption are present, these targets can range from cities to small villages, or even noble households.   Some brave nobles have sometimes expressed opinions that the Rahgar Nirang instead of doing their intended job, have been changed into the secret police of the Fylkir and are working to suppress the opposition to the Fylkir. No one has been able to confirm the rumours as the only times the Rahgar Nirang surfaces are when they have caught someone and a mock trial under the pretence that its a just trial.
Religious, Inquisitorial
Parent Organization
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Jul 27, 2024 12:52 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Scary organisation D:

Jul 27, 2024 13:56

yeah, no one wants to run into them really