Solaria's Doom

Solaria's Doom is a prophecy that tells about the ending of the world that is signalled by cataclysmic events and it said that it will be signalled to the world when Solaria avatar, the sun turns into strange colours.   The prophecy dates back to the ancient days, and it's said that it originates from a seer who one night had a vision of the goddess of the Sun exploding in anger, the seer said that the goddess was still beautiful but she was covered in strange colours and that these colours were a signal of the ending of days. The prophecy has been passed down through generations, gaining reverence and fear among the people.   The sign that the end times are near is that one day the sun will rise but instead of its normal colours, it will rise with strange colours shifting from vibrant greens and purples to eerie reds and blacks.   Following the strange new sun, a series of natural disasters will strike the world: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions in places with no previous volcanos, tsunamis, and storms of unprecedented ferocity. These disasters are believed to be Gigia response to the unnatural Solaria.   Then the sun will disappear as Lunara enters the fray by moving the moon in front of the sun in an attempt to calm her sister down. This will last for days as the two celestial objects will battle for supremacy in the skies over Mirateia.   The prophecy tells that it will all come down to a final battle between Lunara and Solaria fighting to determine the fate of the world.
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Jul 23, 2024 01:09 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

That sounds terrifying. Let's hope it doesn't come to pass.

Jul 23, 2024 06:18

Very much Agre