Tears of the Moon

Tears of the Moon is a solemn and mystical ceremony held in honour of Lunara the goddess of the Moon.   The ceremony has its roots stretching back to ancient history and its related ancient ceremonies and is believed to bring the community blessings of fertility, prosperity, and protection.   The time to conduct the ceremony is during the night and full moon, which is preferred if the sky is clear. The location is usually a sacred grove, a temple with an open roof, or a tranquil lakeside where the moonlight can reflect on the water. The night during a full moon is the typical time for the ceremony but every second year, the ceremony takes place during daylight when it is held together with the followers of Solaria, during this time of the year the full moon will be visible during the solar noon.    During the ceremony, an altar will be set up made out of reflective stones and covered with a white lined with silver woven into it making it shimmer in the moonlight. The people partaking in the ceremony will bring offerings of milk, white flowers, and silver coins placed on the altar, taking the shape of constellations related to the Moon goddess.   The ceremony begins with one of the priests starting an invocation to Lunara, calling upon her presence and blessings. This is done through chants and hymns that have been passed down through generations, most of the time she will not appear, instead signs of the goddess will appear showing the participants that she has heard their call, but sometimes if she is in the moon, Lunara will appear in person and partake in the ceremony.   When the religious aspects of the ceremony are over, the participants will gather and a communal meal will be shared, which will typically consist of milk, cheese, and white fruits such as Lûnaris Pears, a pear belonging to a tree that is known to flower during the full moon.


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Jul 21, 2024 21:10 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

FIRST! Because you said Moon. And also, I really like this! It's thoughtful and fun.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!

Jul 21, 2024 21:13

Moons are cool :) Thanks you :)

Jul 22, 2024 17:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This ceremony sounds so pretty. <3

Jul 22, 2024 18:01

I would love to be there :D Thank you :)