The Diamond Viper Inn Building / Landmark in Mirateia | World Anvil

The Diamond Viper Inn

The Diamond Viper Inn is from the outside just a normal building in a worn-down part of the capital but in reality, it's a front for one of the criminal organizations.   The city watch knows that  The Diamond Viper Inn is home to some of the worst criminals in the capital but they view it as a necessary evil because, in their words, it keeps them away from the other inns where normal people come to enjoy their evening, and it's not like the criminals can view them safely, the inn is regularly raided by the watch and weapons, illegal drugs, and other items are confiscated.

Purpose / Function

The Diamond Viper Inn works as the legal front for its criminal owners, it is also where a good part of the criminal underworld have their meetings.


Several traps and other secret weapon installations have been installed in the building over its time.   Of more major alterations, at some point in its history, a secret tunnel was build from the house to another house on the inside of the city walls.    During one of the many raids on the inn by the city watch, a lamp was broken and a fire broke out that soon enough had the entire inn in flames, the fire ended up burning down the inn and a few surrounding buildings, over the following years the buildings and the inn was rebuild


It was first constructed as a normal house, then at some point, a new owner came and transformed it into an inn and as the neighborhood became more lawless it became a hotspot for criminals who would hang out there.   When the city watch finally began to crack down on the criminals in the darker parts of the city, the inn shortly returned as a normal inn for normal citizens but over time the criminals began to return in the form of the criminal syndicate "The Vipers" who kept the inn as legal as possible to the outside.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Igor Rehar


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