
Vexara belongs to the desert spirits, these spirits are the remnants of the time when the seasons were out of balance and when the deserts were expanding.    Vexara had found a home in one of the fast-developing deserts and was working hard to make it bigger and better suited for her needs.   Vexara is ethereal and ever-changing in form. She can choose to appear as swirling sandstorms with vaguely humanoid features, or as mirages that shimmer and dance on the horizon. When she chooses to take a more solid form, She resembles tall, slender figures cloaked in flowing robes made of sand and dust, with eyes that glow like red glowing embers.   As a desert spirit Vexara is fiercly territorial and proud of it, desert spirits are known to work in small groups from time to time but it seems to be a rare case, at the same time they are known to help mortals who show reverence for the desert the spirits have taken a liking to.   Vexara met Elurra during the Elurra's Quest were they battled over wits and cunning for a time but Vexara had to conceed defeat when Elurra said that the current extend of the desert and the dry climates and Vexara had to admit that she spoke the truth.   According to the legends being told, Vexara are still around into present day and while the current climate dont allow for deserts, the spirits like Vexara adopted and according to the legends and stories being told to kids at bedtime, Vexara have taken hold in a particular dry cave and will appear to visitors if she deem them suitable for her company.
Ever changing.
Sandy Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Depends on the landscape she inhabits, currntly: grey


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Jul 20, 2024 23:40 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like that she started as an antagonist and then grew beyond that after meeting Elurra. :)

Jul 21, 2024 09:23

Always good with some character growth :D Thank you :)