Luminite Crystals

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Luminite Crystals are lightweight, resistant to decay, nearly indestructible, and magical. Their beautiful appearance — rivaling the most brilliant cut gemstone — with a shimmering glow makes them a valuable store of wealth and popular decorations for ornaments and jewelry. Their size varies, usually from 1 to 25 carats, anything less than a carat is considered a bit or piece.

They are produced by Illumina Wyrms, living in magical and sheltered valleys, and found in hidden grottos where the Wyrms place them. The crystals are formed from magical essence distilled within the bodies of the Wyrms and then deposited in locations possessing the proper environment to facilitate magical crystals.
The crystals are quite rare as they have been over-mined throughout the ages — which resulted in their depletion and the near extinction of the Wyrms. Up until the discovery of Thryvalis, the last remaining habitat of Illumina Wyrms, only bits and pieces of crystals could be found in their natural state. Occasionally, an overlooked grotto would contain a few small crystals, between 1-3 carats in size. Most crystals are purchased (or stolen) or found in old forgotten or lost containers (bags, chests, etc.).
The crystals maintain their high value and rarity despite the discovery of the Thryvalis Wyrms. The most powerful leaders of Cardimur maintain a strict and secure watch over the harvesting of new crystals. So far, most of the newly harvested crystals range from 1 to 15 carats, with a small percentage between 15 to 25 carats. And one notable exception — a 35 carat crystal, one of the larges crystals in known existence.
The old histories describe larger crystals, but state that any attempts to remove them would enrage the normally peaceful Wyrms who would then engage with the interlopers. An enraged Illumina Wyrm is reported to be a frightening sight and quite dangerous. Current miners scoff at that and continue searching, dreaming of a huge payoff.
The main magic property of Luminite Crystals is well-known —they can channel and store magical energies, acting as “magical batteries.” They vary in size, shape, and color. And this seems to dictate what other magical properties or capabilities they possess.
high value
Common State
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Cover image: Realms of Mirielle by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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