Illumina Wyrms

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Transforming Decay into Magical Crystals

Illumina Wyrms are large creatures — adults are typically 10 to 15 feet in length — with long serpentine bodies, colorful translucent and iridescent scales, large luminescent blue or green eyes, and slender heads with a mane of sharply pointed tendrils. They are classified as related to serpents, but with some dragon-like features. They were found, in the past, roaming the forests and nesting in the grottos of sheltered valleys. But were considered extinct until recently discovered in Thryvalis, the hidden valley and homeland of the Thryvani.

The Wyrms feed on fallen leaves, dying plants, dead trees and bushes, decomposing animals, and other organic decaying matter. The valley is highly magical, and so all the flora and fauna in the valley contain trace amounts of magical essence (useless to mages in that form). The Wyrms distill the magical essence as part of their digestive process. The purified magical extract is released through their fangs. According to notes in historical records, the Wyrms seek out tiny magical bits of rock deep within grottos and carefully coat them with the extract which forms a crystal layer. The Wyrms continue adding more layers of extract, and over time, this produces Luminite Crystals.
Historical records also indicate that over decades and, possibly centuries, the Wyrms can produce large crystals with incredible potential — both in magical properties and capabilities. If so, no known examples currently exist. (Regular and slightly larger sized crystals do exist and are extremely valuable.) And, despite the discovery of slightly smaller Luminite Crystals in Thryvalis, the Thryvani continue to claim they themselves have only found tiny bits of crystal — useful for only trivial or common magical items.
The Thryvani believe, and the historical records concur, that the Wyrms’ production of the crystals is critical to maintaining the physical health and magical properties of their magical valleys and — in fact — maintains the existence of the Wyrms themselves. Thus, the Wyrms perform a critical role in the combined physical and magical ecosystems of their environment.
a long dragon-like snake with glowing eyes and a shimmering body
Illumina Wyrm Watching by Tulonsae using Midjourney
Scientific Name
Serpendraco luminaris
Average Height
1 to 2 ft tall when coiled
4 to 5 ft tall when rearing up
Average Weight
100 to 150 lbs
Average Length
10 to 15 ft
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

Cover image: Illumina Wyrm Resting in Cave by Tulonsae using Midjourney


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