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Agriculture and Agricultural Myth

Agricultural Myth and Legend

Rice and Saamai


Saa'Mai is a crop grown throughout the gendur valley. It is said to have been farmed since time immemorial, and is farmed up to the Sea of Raykara. It is a fairly intensive crop to grow, requiring alot of water in the domesticated varieties. It is an annual crop, being harvested typically in fall to early winter due to the fact it is a hardy plant that can survive some exposure to frost, even more if the heat producing torchflower vines are planted in drier fields. In appearance, it is a long grass that is typically 3 to 7 feet tall depending on the cultivar. The crop has one to three panicle clusters similar to oats or rice.
Origin Legend
The origin of Saamai varies heavily by culture, but the Tsennari version of the myth has become the most popular due to imperial influence. In the ancient days prior to the first civilization, the people had not yet farms but rather hunted and herded like the northern barbarians. It is said that a spirit had begun altering the plants in order to absorb more power in the high mountains of the Mardaikin mountains. The legendary immortal Emperor Saahe Nanje was speaking to the crows, and heard of this new plant that could help the people. So he ventured into the mountains and played a game with the spirit for a seed of the plants. Saahe Nanye made a bet with the spirit, that if the sun did not rise bright tomorrow he would be able to take a grain home, and if it did then Saahe Nanye would work his field for ten thousand years; the spirit obviously felt that this was an easy victory and so agreed. Saahe Nanye, as avatar of Anetos, ordered the moons to cover the sun for the day. They waited for the sun to rise; however as the moon set, the sun rose but it was covered by the moons, a pitch blackness over all the land. They waited the whole day as it set once more, the spirit begrudgingly gave the seed over to Nanye. Nanye returned to the Gendur, where he planted it. Thousands of years later, his son would establish the first Ahai Dynasty.  



Another crop is called Amge or simply Ge. It is a wheatlike crop grown in northern colder and drier regions. It is a staple crop in the north like how Mai and Saa'mai is in the south. The crops have deep roots, the top of the plant grows 30-100 flowers typically which ripen into the grain. The plant has The plant has a golden color, but the winter variety is a more silver color.  



Gaenaen (Gɛn-ɛn) is a stable crop of northern diet. It is grown in Faenradama, the area of the Vashkonyric Marches, Reykara, as well as minorly in Amrzal, and along the western side of the Reykaran Sea. It is cold resistant and a resilient plant being able to survive in harsh environments other grasses won't. Originally coming from the straits of Faenradama it spread by the hand of the Mirathae. It stands around 6-8 feet tall with a stronger fibrous stalk. Its head is wide and flat with long glossy grain stems which produce plenty of grains which are elongated and light. Its grain stems are typically recycled into brooms similarly to broom corn.


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