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The Ataarad


The Ataarad, meaning of the isles, are an Utumi ethnic group that inhabit the islands between the continents of Talasa and Nirann. They are rather religious and regal, following a few different faiths but primarily follow a cult to the guide Uyir-Shur.


Ataarad culture varies often by the island and the original cultures that were assimilated; however, the capital of Shyr-Urrak remains the center of culture for the Ataarad due to the fact that it was the capital of the Utumi for a few hundred years.

Slavery and Servitude

Slavery is an essential part of Ataarad culture as warriors and nobles often have numerous slaves taken from disputes with other clans. The makeup of slaves for the Ataarad are largely Utumi, while Niranni, Marin, and other groups can be found as well.
It isnt uncommon to see Ataarad slavers and merchants as far as Immestrai, Soranna, Angshir, and Obazi.

Seafaring and Shipbuilding

The sea is essential to Ataarad culture seeing as they inhabit a series of smaller islands. Most Ataarad know how to sail a basic ship and many even know how to navigate using the stars. Almost every Ataarad village has dugout canoes and outrigger ships, while cities come with galleys such as biremes and triremes.
Besides this, swimming is a common activity for Ataarad people, who see it as a way to connect with the sea that supports them.


Ataarad buildings are made mostly out of mud brick, clay, brick, and stone; stone and mud brick remain the most common. Their buildings have many unique styles. The roofs of Ataarad structures are often flat or domed, with many of these buildings being vaulted. Often, many buildings have porches with awnings that provide shade and shelter. On the foot of houses in the center of town, many of these structures have market stalls that the families use to sell their locally produced goods. Their buildings are usually built close to water sources so that the water can evaporate and cool the homes.


Ataarad cuisine is based heavily on fish, poultry, and bread. Ataarad are known for a variety of sauces and relishes made from the various things acquired through trade or procured from the sea around them. Their islands are big enough to host farms and so often wheat and barley are grown on the larger islands such as Wahar.

Clothing and Hair

Ataarad clothing typically varies by the sexes. Men wear longer belted tunics that have short sleeves but their tunics among higher classes go down to their ankles while among peasants they end above the knees. Some men like fishermen wear only kaunake skirts. Women wear clothing that is typically longer in the sleeves, but they also wear colorful mantles that show their wealth.
As for hair, the Ataarad grow long beards and wear their curly hair freely. Many men; however, do cut their hair short yearly as a new years tradition.


Ataarad music often involves drums and lyres, with many different modes and ornamental singing.



The Ataarad come from region known as Salhrum, where they were apart of the old Utumite civilization. They were one of the last groups to leave, led by the Astor clan. They had arrived in the isles between the continents by the 400s and by the 600s they found themselves raiding the shores of Nirann and Meredonn; these isles were named Immu-Ataar and from this the Ataarad got their name. The capital from 510 onwards was the Waharud city of Sunshira, that was conquered and renamed to Shyr-Urrak. In the 700s they had begun invading the savannahs on the coast of southern Nirann, and eventually by the late 800s they had conquered a new state called Essuktar that began to invade north into places like Anosfae and Immu-Irrevi. By the year 1000, the Essukad had diverged from the Ataarad extensively.
An Ataarad Warrior
Diverged ethnicities
An Ataarad Noblewoman in Makeup.

Articles under Ataarad


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