An illusion of calm Report

General Summary

    1489 DR - Summer - 8, Eleasis (8) - Sword Coast - Blasingdell
  • The crew is bedded down, and anything but relaxed, although they try to get some rest while the Zhentilar army is apparently in a holding pattern outside the walls.
  • The two armies are reported to be gathering, but have not made moves to cross the 500 feet of distance to the outer walls.
  • A meeting is held among the crew, present and presiding is Sabyn. She explains that she needs to meet with their new support (The squat man in robes, the man in rags, the zombie). She returns to the others afterwards and explains the plan is currently to hold until the following day to let them make the first move before they spring their trap.
  • Huden is entertaining at the inn while Llewellyn sets into some serious post freedom drinking.
  • Oudman is working alone in his workshop when he hears a yelp from the alleyway.
  • Oudman investigates only to find a villager gutted by a dual sword wielding bald figure in dark piecemeal armor, with glowing blue eyes and a gem embedded in their head. A Schattenwretch, in the town somehow!
  • Oudman moves to engage him, only to be set upon by several Zhentilar that were hiding in the alleyway!
  • A Scream in the square is heard in the square from the inn, and the townsfolk begin moving tables and arming themselves for defense. Huden and Llewellyn gather up outside and move out, spotting a Schattenwretch over a corpse who is joined by several Zhentilar.
  • The fight moves tot he center of town as Oudman tries to flee those surrounding him.
  • Oudman grants Llewellyn flight and she rains down arrows on the Zhents.
  • Oudman blasts poison at the Zhentilar attempting to weaken and sicken them, and slays a Schattenwretch.
  • Huden wields his Rapier deftly cleaving them down with psychic assaults.
  • From behind Huden, a goblin appears covered in the familiar orange postules, as it gets close, it's upper half erupts in a purplish vortex and a Barbed Devil emerges with the fires of hatred in it's eyes.
  • The three shift their attention to the new threat, and find their efforts are all needed to bring it down.
  • Huden is knocked unconscious by flames and Llewelyn brings down the devil with her planar strikes.
  • The rest are easy pray from above and below as Oudman brings Huden back to the fight.
  • In the aftermath, the three question the Zhent still alive. More of them are found around town and slain by others as well. He reveals that the local assault is led by JERYTH, who the party had thought dead, but that the strike itself was ordered by Garen, the Lord Commander of the Zhentilar and son of Khelden Destarin, the High Imperceptor, Rivaled in power only by the council of Zhentil Keep, overseen by the hidden lords Dharkon, Manshoon, Necous, and Kanien of the Black Hand.
  • Llewellyn uses her powers to detect portals where this devil might have come through, and detects portals nearby in the cages among the Zhentilar armies camped outside the walls. The crew concludes that the Goblins themselves have somehow become portals themselves, a frightening thought.
  • The zombie enters the inn, and is relayed the news. he promptly takes the screaming Zhent away and tells everyone to be ready, this is a sign they are coming. The crew then notices that none of the bodies remain except the ash from the slain devil (which Oudman collects after tasting).
  • The crew is all rousted and tries to get some rest after, but end up awaiting dawn, and taking places around the town. The support teams seem to be nowhere around, but a yell comes from the walls: "they have broken through, they are coming"
  • TBC
The Chosen
Oudman - Fonkle
Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP
Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP
Huden Golman
Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
23 Mar 2020
Primary Location


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