Fresh lime and watersports Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Autumn - 1, Marpenoth (10) - Maztica - Lost Shrine of Zaltec  
  • After retrieving the band from the Eagle's head, the Chosen feel the pressure to make haste to escape the amber gas that is eating at their lungs.
  • They start examining the paths open and catch sight of flitting lights they identify as Will O' the Wisps taunting them in some hallways.
  • Around the western area they find a small alcove, and easily identify a trap around the chest. Inside the chest is a small figurine that suddenly flits away down the hall. Yasen and the crew follow it frantically, only giving up when they begin to see more Will o wisps down another hall.
  • The crew decides to avoid the wisps and heads through the statues, which turn out to be zombies lining the hall that come to life and surround the party.
  • After a long tedious fight, and the crew being worn down, the WOTW's emerge from the walls and join the fight against the weakened crew.
  • They force the last Wisp to retreat but feel the sting of the ambush.
  • They proceed into a room with two sleeping figures that wake when their equipment is disturbed. They threaten the party unless they repent. With Hudens negotiation the party repents by offering a pile of gold and helping them return to their long slumber without incident.
  • Continuing past the room of the sleepers, they find a large nest full of fire beetles with dimmed flame organs. Lucyan negotiates with the beetles to pass by unmolested.
  • Through the next door they find a staircase finally leading upward in the temple, and they follow it hastily, but not before noticing and disabling some kind of trap on the stairs.
  • Xifor begins to feel unwell, and Oudman identifies his ailment as an old strain of Sewer Plague, which no one has the ability to heal at the present time.
  • At the top of the stairs they come to another room with corpses, broken statues and mold covering littered around. From the gloom emerges a Beholder! The beholder slowly creeps toward the party and Huden tries to negotiate safe passage. This one is larger than the other they have met.
  • Suddenly, when the Beholder is so close they can smell it the party takes action to defend themselves, with Yasen unleashing his blade. The creature is split open by his hit and explodes in an acidic spray of spores, coating the room and the party in malicious fungi of unknown origin.
  • The group recovers and tries to wipe off the spores, but seeing nothing else that can be done they press on, looting the room and continuing to explore.
  • The Will o' Wisp is regularly seen at the ends of hallways and flitting about at odd times, and the party is increasingly nervous about it floating around.
  • Continuing down the hallway, the crew find some strange alcoves and a hidden capstone in the floor, likely hiding another area below. After debating the merits of messing with this area, they move past, ignoring whatever it may do.
  • The crew then enters a large hall filled with stuffed cats and a couple large Jaguar and Jaguar hybrid statues. Along one wall is a huge calendar stone that Lucyan identifies as a secret door, and a small shrine with some valuables.
  • While most of the crew is examining the valuables, Oudman notices Llewellyn underneath the Jaguar man statue about to be struck by his spear as he becomes real. She is struck mightily and the crew breaks into combat, attempting to surround the Jaguar Hybrid that seems to pounce from person to person, almost mauling Yasen on the ground and tearing out Llewellyn's throat.
  • The Chosen finally bear down their might and take down the Hybrid, who does while on top of Oudman about to finish him off. He then reverts to a native human male with his heart removed. Among the things, the party finds a stone heart that may have once been the hybrids.
  • The crew then decides to continue through the secret door, and comes to a hallway with several entrances in many directions.
  • The first door is a jammed one, that Llewellyn and Huden work to open. Llewellyn then presses it open with a crowbar only to have it fall open suddenly to let her fall in, and then slam behind her. She finds herself in another part of the dungeon suddenly, a familiar one, but trapped behind bars with no exit.
  • Huden follows Llewellyn into the room, taking rope precautions, but is teleported out of his rope and appears trapped with Llewellyn. Llewellyn misty steps out, but then accidentally walks into a sister trap, and is trapped again across the hall from Huden. The rest of the crew decide that they mus be further in so press on to try and find them.
  • Oudman and Lucyan examine an ornate intricate door against the wall, and when seeing no threats Oudman tries to push it open (from a bit back) and a cage encloses him. Shortly thereafter a pit opens below him full of menacing black spikes and the cage drops him into the pit, but he grabs the ledge and is pulled up by Lucyan.
  • The large double doors are sealed with a gold plate. Yasen pulls off the plate and waits for the crew.
  • When the double doors are opened a flurry of bolts are fired at the party, striking a few from the trap. The crew then enters and begins exploring a strange diorama scene of a bustling ancient village with rivers of silver flowing around the models. One side of the room has a sacrificed youth corpse and some valuables, while the other areas contain small pyramids that open like chests to conceal treasures.
  • Floating in the middle of the silver liquid flame (identified by arcana) is a reliquary or coffin of sorts. They loot it but find the corpse to be chewed on and in pieces.
  • Just then, Lewellyn returns to the party, telling them that they need to come help Huden. They are astute enough to get suspicious about Lewellyn not having the right answers or her weapons and attack. The creature is revealed as a silvery flowing form and retreats out the double doors. Lucyan follows and purposely triggers a glyph on the floor that creates a firewall blocking their exit. The creature is chased away and loses Lucyan's spider hand while they wait for the firewall to dissipate.
  • Llewellyn and Huden bemoan their predicament, going through failed options to free themselves. Eventually they use a rope to combine their strength and bend out a bar, allowing Huden to escape and trigger the release button for the traps. They try to catch back up to the party but cannot seem to find the right path, forgetting that there was a secret door behind the calendar stone.
  • They head through several new doors and quickly retreat when they are found not to be familiar. They then run into Lucyan, who shows them a path to where the crew is. They follow and are led into a lightning trap that stuns Llewellyn and puts Huden in single combat with a now bloodthirsty Lucyan.
  • Huden holds his own and Llewellyn recovers enough to put a couple arrows in the creature and it reverts to it's original fleshy humanoid shape, being now identified as a doppelganger.
  • They return to the calendar stone and finally catch up with the crew, who then risk the resting under Huden's magic hut to try and recover before pressing on.
The Chosen
Lucyan Kilndar
Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP
Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP
Yasen Luzar
Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP
Oudman - Fonkle
Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP
Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP
Huden Golman
Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
04 May 2020


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