How do we get out? Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Autumn - 2, Marpenoth (10) - Maztica - Lost Shrine of Zaltec  
  • Recovering from the steam vent trap, The Chosen press on into the hallways ahead of them, observing the lime in the walls and the natural stone cut that must be the sides of the pyramid blocks. The structure is still unsound and crumbling and threatens to bury them if they try to dig out.
  • They head West and discover a pile of gold, Yasen touches it and it releases a toxic cloud of spores from a yellow mold hidden under the illusion. Huden and Oudman are spared but help the others recover.
  • Lucyan spots two secret doors in the dead end hallway and the crew choose to take the Western one. Through here is a mirror that Lucyan peers into, and a figure strides out of the mirror and attacks him. Lucyan is locked in pitted melee combat, but the others are not helping. From their perspective, Lucyan is just staring in the mirror in a trance. He defeats the spectre and is roused from the illusion. They break the mirror. Bad luck.
  • Through a door at the end of the passage lies a chamber with a central dei-uhs. They explore the room. Oudman touches some offerings on the shelves and triggers the door to lock and a voice to boom that they are breathing poison and their only hope is to reach the center of the dais. This happens simultaneously with Xifor triggering a trap under a jade mask that imprisons him in a cage.
  • The crew tries some paths to the top, but Huden identifies the correct one that is guarded by a massive Helmed Horror that appeared to be a statue until it came alive. The crew rallies to Hudens aide and takes the construct down, completed the first path.
  • The second challenge involves breaking through two invisible walls of force around the central pillar. The first Oudman wedges open with tools and the second Huden triggers open with a holy symbol of Cyric.
  • Once open, a Couatl appears in the air and thanks the crew for releasing him from his imprisonment. He grants them items and a boon of magic healing before leaving the material plane.
  • They ask the Couatl to heal the curse that Yasen is under, the lycanthropy, but it says that the subject must be willing to relinquish the curse for it to work. The crew looks uncomfortable at Yasen.
  • The crew continues to the other secret door and finds beyond a room filled with mirrors. A red, black, white, and blue one. In the center of the room is a golden pool.
  • Yasen puts his hand in the golden pool and it turns his hand to solid immovable gold, other items are transformed as well when dipped in the pool. Xifor identifies though that the transmutation magic seems temporary, they do not know for how long.
  • Huden and Llewellyn explore the milky white mirror, which comes alive and tries to devour Huden, but the team is able to destroy the gray ooze before it swallows him.
  • Oudman explores the blue mirror, which seems to hide a watery effect and an illusory figure. Llewellyn breaks the mirror and water pours onto the floor.
  • Llewellyn and Yasen explore the black mirror and see ancient versions of themselves in Olman garb. They speak in Olman but they do not understand and are unable to communicate.
  • Lucyan and Xifor explore the Red mirror which is hot to the touch, each time someone looks in, the mirror shows them die in a gruesome way. Xifor is eaten by a giant jackal, Oudman is flung around and smashed against a wall, Huden is skewered by the spear of an undead centaur, Lucyan is stabbed from behind in the neck by his old comrade Fallen, Yasen is slain by a copy of himself, and Llewellyn is devoured by a mound of eyes and mouths. Huden shatters the mirror with a spell and the foundations of the room shake but thankfully don't collapse.
  • They explore behind the hole where the white mirror was, and it leads to a room with an octopus like creature with a large gem in it's eye. Huden carefully removes the gem, and stores it. Everyone else gingerly leaves without touching a thing.
  • They continue to the only door left to them, beyond is another large diorama, this one of the Olmans hell, they avoid leaving a designated path as everything radiates magic.
  • Yasen and Llewellyn explore a side room where a mound of dirt explodes with eyes and mouths and begins gibbering nonsense and spitting clouds of blinding slime. The whole party comes to their aid and it nearly devours Xifor in its mound of mouths, but the crew is able to slaw the aberration.
  • Leaving the gibbering mouther's room, they climb up through a shining hole in the ceiling and begin to ascend further upwards through the temple in a tunnel where the walls are lit brightly.
  • Yasens' hand and their other items return to normal.
  • Oudman sends his homonculous ahead of the group into the tunnel, it doesn't return and the crew investigates. Lucyan and Oudman are beset upon by a giant spider that tries to grab them, it is unsuccessful and is slain. They find Oudman's familiar trapped in the Spiders side passage.
  • After the hole, the party climbs out of a covered well and explores a small room with fountains. One is filled with water and a crayfish shell, the other dry.
  • The water rises and attacks the party, who swiftly retaliates against the water weird, slaying it with fire and other magic attacks. Under the crayfish they find a small key.
  • The crew sets up another magic hut and decides to take a short rest.
To be continued!
The Chosen
Lucyan Kilndar
Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP
Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP
Yasen Luzar
Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP
Oudman - Fonkle
Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP
Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP
Huden Golman
Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
18 May 2020


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