Museums of Flesh and Fortune Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Autumn - 5, Uktar (11) - The Sword Coast    
  • The Chosen arrive back at their base of operations, and begin tasking out work to complete their disguising work on the Nautiloid.
  • They attempted to get the Duergar to help 'willingly' but this triggered something in them that resisted any charm or compulsion and they almost spoiled the whole project, if not for some quick action blinding/levitating by Huden/Oudman and a wave of distracting rats from Lucyan.
  • They consulted Sabyn and Abigor, who together have enough magic to subdue them, and then Abigor tapped the Illithids powers to make most of the entire Duergar population into thralls. Some members have their doubts, but Abigor promises that he has them all under HIS control. This doesn't help them feel better, but they are committed now.
  • After a couple weeks of work, they must let the thralled Duergar attach the fabricated pieces to the exterior.
  • Huden/Oudman/Xifor/Lucyan travel to Waterdeep in search of WAVE by both horse and by hiring a Waverider, a Sorcerer of some skill with unconventional water travel. this round trip takes a week.
  • In Waterdeep they discover the Blackstaff Library is now a museum, and after paying a higher ranking Blackstaff Wizard for a dull tour, they peruse the tomes and discover that the artifacts were previously stored in Blackstaff Tower, but that city organized crime raided the treasure room during the turmoil and took many artifacts, including Wave.
  • After debating the risks since their last encounter with his minions, Huden cast sending to contact the Xanathar, asking: "no hard feelings about bagram, looking for a rare item that may know of its location, want to meet. can trade work. love huden" The Xanathar responded: " Technically not betrayal, do many jobs, you presume, don't. No hard feelings, just hard facts, cash. Baagram share info, at cost, meet at portal... I am a god here!" Seeming to flaunt the restriction of the sending spell to taunt them.
  • They meet Baagram in a room full of minions hiding amonst the other people, only to discover that ALL of them are bought. Baagram gives them the information in trade for the cursed stone of dancing, which he uses to kill a minion in front of them. He then later brings them the note left by another thief who stole this item in particular not a month past:
    Search ye far or search ye near
    You’ll find no trace of the three
    Unless you follow instructions clear
    For the weapons abide with me.
    North past forest, farm and furrow
    You must go to the feathered mound
    Then down away from the sun you’ll burrow
    Forget life, forget light, forget sound.
    To rescue Wave, you must do battle
    With the Beast in the Boiling Bubble
    Crost cavern vast, where chain-links rattle
    Lies Whelm, past water-spouts double.
    Blackrazor yet remains to be won
    Underneath inverted ziggurat.
    That garnered, think not that you’re done
    For now you’ll find you are caught
    I care not, former owners brave
    What heroes you seek to hire.
    Though mighty, I’ll make each one my slave
    Or send him to the fire.

  • Huden used the mirror of scrying to try and locate Wave, and saw clues of an ant hill with a feather, and a bubbling lake with a shadow underneath the surface.
  • A day later Huden used the mirror again to scry the letter, which revealed old hands scrawling a symbol (a K writhing with snakes) on the now lost envelope.
  • Xifor searched for more information on the symbol in the library but couldn't find anything of value.
  • The four return to the base to continue working on the ship, adding 12 days of work on the 2 weeks of fabricating. Furthering the facade construction.
  • Lucyan begins pouring magic into the plants around the base to enrich the land and provide basic food crops.
  • The last 2 weeks are spent finishing up the construction, then the party spends the next 4 days flying to Selgaunt in Sembia to follow the lead they have for Whelm.
  • The dock master charges them extra for having such a nicely Bone crafted Halruuan skyship.
  • Lucyan, Huden, and Oudman begin searching the city noble district for upscale museums.
  • They identify and enter (without paying full price) a Museum of relics and past wars that seems promising, understanding from their clue that a museum might hold the artifact still.
  • They find the section where Whelm was displayed, but it now only has an "Under Construction" sign and the artifact is not present.
  • A plaque in the Museum identifies it as the property of the TH Network. They find this trade union is foremost in the city, a member of the Black Network, and run by a local merchant lord who sits on the council by the name of Therasoz.
  • After waiting a day they are granted an audience with Therasoz, who explains that regrettably the artifact has been stolen, with only a note left in it's place, "some mad wizard drivel" by his own words.
  • He is able to identify the symbol the crew saw, and notice it is also on the second note, that repeats the same words as the previous one.
  • Therasoz mentions that the symbol is from a lonnng dead wizard, well assumed long dead, named Karaptis.
  • The crew returns to the ship and plans to leave Selgaunt before the Zentharim become wise to their ship and them looking for the artifacts.
  • They use the Mirror of scrying on the new note and see a large noisy fountain, a person in robes walking with their face in shadow rubbing their hands near the fountain, and another person looking out over a perch or balcony in the sky, seeing a giant feather floating in the air, then writing a letter by a glowing reddish light.
  • They decide to head to the most dangerous clue, the isolated city of the Fleshwright.
The Chosen
Lucyan Kilndar
Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP
Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP
Oudman - Fonkle
Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP
Huden Golman
Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
16 Jun 2020


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