Stop toying with us Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Autumn - 29, Nightal (12) - White Plume Mountain  
  • Lucyan catches up to the group as they check through their gear and try to shore up their supplies.  The grind through this trap filled madness has put them all on edge and at their wits end.  Lucyan flies with his physical wings across the trap, irking everyone over the simplicity with which he traverses the trap.
  • The group continues through the passage, first finding what they assume is the massive inverted ziggurat mentioned in the poem.  It's aquariums are full of threatening creatures from crayfish to Manticores that move toward them in search of food.  
  • The party collectively decides that instead of trying to traverse this stepped aquarium, that maybe they should find something to feed them instead.
  • They head back to the north passageway and discover a set of kayaks and a stream floating through mid-air.  It travels into the rock and the crew decides that this must be explored.  After some difficulty getting the boats and themselves into the stream, they float as a group down the passageway.
  • Upon exiting the passage they are ambushed by a group of knights with nets, led by someone Huden identifies as a notorious mass murderer who previously escaped justice.
  • The crew is pulled from the stream and attacked in the nets, with the group needing to spread out first in order to fight effectively.  The knights all hit hard and some team members are taken out before they finally overcome the seasoned melee fighters.
  • After the fight the crew is all but spent, and they need to recover.  They setup a defensible alarmed magic hut and begin resting for the full evening so everyone can recover. 
  • Sometime in the night, the room goes completely black, and no one can see outside the hut.  They burst out of the dome ready to fight another vampire but are beset upon by two black oozes that had congealed over the done in the night, waiting for it to become food again.
  • They crew is burned by their acid and slices them up, only to have them multiplied and fighting back harder.  This takes a heavy toll on the crew after just recovering, but still puts them ahead of their previous state.
  • They look to gather the knights for food, but realize that the oozes have devoured the corpses in the night.
  • Deflated with their plan, they exit through a secret passageway and head back to the ziggurat, resolving to just begin breaking the glass to try and gain access through to the bottom, hopefully sicking the creatures on each other.   Unfortunately the creatures are well accustomed to each others presence, and instead see the breaking act as hostile, beginning to move through the broken holes in the aquarium levels and attack the Chosen.
  • They retreat back into the hallway to attempt a defense as the horde of massive creatures attempts to swarm, and without the choke entry of the hallway they would have easily been overrun.  
  • The less than intelligent animals blindly push into the cramped (for them) hallway and are one by one dispatched as the group is further whittled down in strength.
  • The final manticores are slain and the crew wades through the carcasses of the massive animals, weary and already drained after only an hour of wakefullness.
  • They curse at the wizard who created this dungeon and prepare to head to the base of the pyramid and confront what they assume is the leader of this dungeon.
To be continued...
The Chosen
Lucyan Kilndar
Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP
Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP
Yasen Luzar
Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP
Oudman - Fonkle
Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP
Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP
Huden Golman
Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
07 Aug 2020


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