Water water everywhere, but not a place to sink Report

General Summary

1489 DR - Summer - 13, Eleint (9) - Sword Coast - Candlekeep, Trackless Sea

  • The Gazer arrives on the land bridge in front of Candlekeep and a scholar fetches Huden, Yasen, and Oudman from their research inside. They join Lucyan, Llewellyn, Damien, Xifor on the ship and settle into their cabin cramped quarters.
  • They find as expected they are joined by Baagram (the Xanathar agent) in plain clothes who has brought a small retinue on board to establish a beachhead trade port in returned Maztica.
  • The ship departs, making great speed toward the mysterious island. The crew explores the strange ship a little, observing the organic helm, but decide to follow the rules and do not explore the ship further.
  • After several days of travel the ship again groans and makes a strange jllt, only this time they can see where they are, floating above what seems to be an endless field of flames, black rock and lava with horrendous shapes in the distance. Oudman and Xifor recognize the plane as Avernus, and the ship seems to be sailing across it although high above the ground.
  • Huden notices that the crewmembers seem to be pretending to work, and the ship is flying without aid of it's rigging and sails...
  • The ship is attacked by Spinagons and Vargouille, who kill half of the crew while Baagrams team hides below. The Chosen defend the ship just barely, and manage to save the remaining crew members although they took many bites from the Flying Vargouille.
  • By the morning the ship returns to the prime material and is flying over the trackless sea once more, with only water in sight. The stars say they have traveled incredibly far.
  • A knock comes to their cabin door in the evening, and they are visited by the short robed figure they met in their inn room in Waterdeep, only this time he removes the disguise and is revealed as a Slaad. He only acknowledges they can call him the Frogmouth, and Huden connects him as one of the Heralds of Strife that served the dead demo godess in the past, and now servers Cyric.
  • The Chosen ask questions about the Heralds, learning that the Corpse is nearly a force of nature among them, Sabyn is a reincarnated effigy of what she once was, the man in rags is an afflicted half-elf who is trickier than most before him, and that Abigor was once known as the Fiend, as a herald, and that he may deserve to be imprisoned in Huden's head.
  • Abigor is mum on the subject, but does seem to have a healthy respect, if not entirely a feeling of fear, toward the Frogmouth.
  • The Frogmouth offers a little insight into the Heralds knowledge as he does not know much more about Keezor, and that the Fiend was the one tasked with doscovering who the Dreadlords Avatar should be. Abigor adds to this information by whispering to Huden that Keezor is another level of power from another world and is imprisoned here, and that Cyric has selected him to be his aspect on the material plane. IF you can free him.
  • The Frogmouth then offers gifts that he has made for the Chosen, at Sabyn's request he adds. He gives these wondrous items to the crew and they set about identifying them. As soon as he arrives he is gone, and vanished the moment he steps from the door.
  • The rest of the journey is as dull as a country bumpkin.
  • The crew arrives in Maztica, observing the imposing mountain south, and landing on an inslet near the ruins of New Waterdeep, where the previous trade port to Toril was located.
  • Baagram gets to setting up their gear and asks The Chosen to check out the ruins and find them a suitable base with which to begin building their base.
  • The crew travels through the jungle and notices that they are not the most recent visitors here, and that several tracks have been exploring here before them.
  • The crew heads into the ruins and soon discovers an area that has not had much damage from the jungle regrowth. They decide it's a good place to set up and move to check the well in the square.
  • While approaching the cetner, a voice calls amidst the empty streets: "Owlbear Owlbear what do you hear?" a pause, then a call from another street "I hear intruders scratching in my ear" a whistling noise rises into the air above the town, followed by a screeching roar seeming to come from several directions at once, and arrows begin to rain down.
  • The chosen scatter to cover and are engaged by various Tabaxi Hunters, Mercs and two viscious Owlbears. A sniper from above seems to be taking deadly potshots at any exposed crew member.
  • Lucyan changes into a flying bear, dropping Tabaxi off rooftops and mauling mercs.
  • Yasen and Oudman clear out hidden snipers while Huden and Llewellyn face off against the owlbears.
  • Eventually Huden and Oudman find the deadly assassin and identify a familiar pin on her lapel matching the one that Huden has from the Music Hall. She spits an accusation of "Why are you helping them?!" at him before turning invisible and escaping, leaving some bleeding wounds and bleeding pride in her wake as she breaks into the junge.
  • Lucyan spots a second sniper, who he recognizes as their lost Tabaxi ally Fallen, only with more red patches and blackened fur than before. Fallen seems to now bear some hatred and spouts "Everything you have been told is a lie!" and fires an arrow at Lucyan before escaping into the woods.
  • The crew lets them go and decides that they will instead help get the crew setup here. The Gazer plans to stay near the beach with it's crew while everything is being established.
The Chosen
Lucyan Kilndar
Level 12 Shadar-Kai Neutral Evil Druid
79 / 79 HP
Level 11 Tiefling-Abraxus (Mephistopheles, MTOF) Chaotic Evil Wizard/Forbidden Lore (COBW)
(Raised by Fiends (Raised by Evil, COE))
/ 54 HP
Yasen Luzar
Level 11 Aasimar CE Hexblade - Warlock
(Expropriated One)
60 / 74 HP
Oudman - Fonkle
Level 9 hobgoblin chaotic evil artificer alchemist
/ 80 HP
Level 8 Half-Elf (Moon) Chaotic Evil Horizon Walker (Ranger)
85 / 70 HP
Huden Golman
Level 7 hooman chaotic evil bard
/ 38 HP
Report Date
13 Apr 2020


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