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The Blood Stone Brooch


The night was cold, and the wind didn't give the small village of wizard a quarter. Thunder crashed down from the skies and trees started to fall left and right. Some of them fall on the little wooden houses. Killing the ones who took shelter there. Death didn't discriminate, it took the young and healthy, the old and weak. Haghor Rane, lost his son. When a tree crashed down on the place he called home. His wife wasn't better off, but the death of his son almost broke him. He was a master wizard, but his magic wasn't strong enough to save his little boy. The rain started to fall, mirroring his feelings.         The morning came, and punished Haghor once again. The sun shone bright as if the storm of last night hadn't happened. Which was a lie, the distraction of his village was for every one to see. Now house was spared, the death outnumbered the living. Haghor kneeled inside his crushed house, holding his son's body inside his hands. The empty eyes stared back at him. He didn't know how he would survive without his boy. A spark of unknown magic blossomed inside him, he didn't know it. But instead of the normal heat that rushed through his body, this magic brought the coldness of death. Instead of fearing it, Haghor embraced it. The magic took over his body, and made its way to his hands. Slowly the black tare that resembled the magic poured into his son. He didn't know how long he sat there, but one moment his son was death and at the other he started to gasp for air. Tears streamed down over his cheeks, dripping on to his sons' face. His boy was a life.       Others inside the village were shocked by seeing his son, back on his feet. Asking Haghor how it was even possible. Haghor told them about the cold magic, and he even used it on another child. The villagers started to duplicate his instructions, and it didn't take long before everybody that had died during the storm was back on their feet. They even helped to clean up the mess.     While the villagers were busy with the rebuild of their village, Haghor found brooches with a very dark red stone. He asked the rest of the villagers if they had found some as well, and they nodded. The brooches were found at the places were they had revived their loved once.
  Death is a large part of nature and necromancers disturb this part. According to legend the first Blood Stone Brooch was found right after the first reviving. Now the Necromancers are using the Blood Stone Brooches to block all their other magic, so that the reviving magic becomes stronger. A Necromancer will only receive their Brooch after the final test.  


The Brooches are used to congratulate the new full flatched Necromancer. Necromancer pin the brooch on their black dresses so that their costumers can see that they are indeed Necromancers. It is also used to block the other types of magic.  

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Creation Date
Owning Organization
It is a common piece of jewelry inside the Negromanti Coven.
10 grams
4 centimeters by 5 centimeters
Base Price
1 drop off blood
Raw materials & Components
The Brooch is made out of;
  • Blood Stone
  • White Gold
  • Small Rubies
The Blood Stone is required after the first reviving. Then the stone is brought to the council inside the Negromanti coven. They force it into a Brooch, and spell it so that it blocks all the other types of magic.

Cover image: by KELLEPICS and southerngal


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