The last Mistling, a kind of creature that slaughtered many forms of live was slaughtered. This was the beginning of the end, of the Era of Fear.
The last Mistling, a kind of creature that slaughtered many forms of live was slaughtered. This was the beginning of the end, of the Era of Fear.
The last Mistling, a kind of creature that slaughtered many forms of live was slaughtered. This was the beginning of the end, of the Era of Fear.
The Dragon Lords were done with all the fighting, and decided to bring order and peace back to Mirror World. They only fought one battle to win over all the races inside the world. The lands were divided between in nine kingdoms. Spegikhio (The Forrest country), Fantaseria (The Frozen Country), Goticha (The land of ever lasting Night), Achua (The land of the Elements), Slathia (The land of Fire), Wagesan (Land of the Water), Yogon (The land of mountains), Ducruria (The land underground), Rura (the land in the sky). And the leaders are called the Dragon King's no mater the gender.