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Vampires are undead, supernatural beings that feed on blood. Vampires usually drink the blood of humans, but some also hunt their own kind or animals. They use this stolen blood to keep their dead bodies moving and to fire the supernatural powers they have because of their clan and the blood.

The vampire is an outsider. He's the perfect metaphor for those things. He's someone who looks human and sounds human, but is not a human, so he's always on the margins.

— Anne Rice

Basic Information


Externally, the vampire can hardly be distinguished from his prey, the human. He has the same physique, but is usually slimmer, almost lean, because the excess fat disappears from the body with the embrace. Depending on the time when the vampire was embraced, his physique differs as much as that of a human from the same time from a modern human. These differences are due to the body size, as well as the shape of the skull and face.

Genetics and Reproduction

For a long time, vampires were considered physically infertile because they are corpses in the medical sense. Recently, however, as the blood has become thinner, more and more vampires have appeared who can reproduce in a normal, biological way. These vampires are themselves more human than they are vampires, and their offspring are a kind of semi-being, neither one nor the other.

In vampiric terms, the species reproduces through a ritual called the embrace. In this ritual, all the blood is first taken from the human victim before a few drops of vampire vitae are infused. The necessary amount is about one drop, but more blood is needed to subsequently feed the fledgling. The vitae sets the change in motion that turns a bloodless corpse into a vampire. The whole process rarely takes more than a few hours, but it demands a lot from the fledgling.

Growth Rate & Stages

The vampire's undead body no longer changes, and therefore no longer undergoes biological changes. Nevertheless, there is an increase in power, which depends on the generation and age of the vampire. The older the vampire, and the lower his generation, the more powerful he is. In the development of age, some stages can be identified that are independent of generation:

Age Rank
< 50 years Fledgling
50 - 100 years Neonate
100 - 250 years Ancilla
250 - 1000 years Elder
> 1000 years Methuselah

Ecology and Habitats

Vampires are predators that depend on the proximity of their prey. Although there may be vampires in small towns, they feel much more comfortable in larger cities. In most cases, one vampire can be found for every 60,000 - 100,000 mortals on which he or she can feed.

The main reason why they are so dangerous is that they can disguise themselves perfectly under their prey and do not really attract attention. Many blood relatives, as they sometimes call themselves, are so perfectly integrated into human society that they even perform functions there, such as running corporations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Blood relatives feed on blood, whether from mortals or their own kind. In very rare cases, a vampire also feeds on animals. Some vampires also choose whole blood bags for their diet, which makes the blood banks highly sought-after hunting grounds. Other highly sought-after hunting grounds are hospitals, slums and areas with a high crime rate, as well as nightclubs and trendy bars. Anywhere where it is not noticeable when someone dies or when a couple is making out heavily.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The facial features often appear more refined through the embrace, as the bone structure is more prominent. In addition, there are no differences in facial features between humans and vampires.

The fangs that have formed with the embrace are retractable and disappear completely into the jaws when not needed for drinking or fighting. Furthermore, as long as the vampire does not display any supernatural behaviour, he cannot be distinguished from humans.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The origin of the vampires is today assumed to be where humans also originated, in Mesopotamia. From there they spread with humans all over the world and underwent some changes. Today there are vampires all over the world, but mainly in Europe and America. Furthermore, the vampire population is increasing dramatically, especially in the big cities.

Average Intelligence

The average intelligence of a vampire is comparable to that of a human. In the course of time, however, these attributes sharpen and reach supernatural heights. Strategic planning and tactics in Jyhad require the vampire to develop a high level of intelligence. Moreover, the application of certain disciplines seems to depend on it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The senses of a vampire, and thus his perception, are massively influenced by blood, so that no general statement can be made about the senses. There are, however, disciplines that influence the senses, such as sight and hearing, and make the vampire perceive more (Auspex). Other disciplines only sharpen the vision in the dark (Animalism, Protean).

However, the vampire's senses are unbeatable when it comes to perceiving his natural prey, humans. It is claimed that he can clearly perceive the heartbeat of a victim over a distance of up to 300 metres. In an open wound, the smell of blood is said to have the same effect as on a shark and can be perceived up to 700 metres away. This perception seems to be significantly influenced by the age and Generation of the vampire.

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© 2020 - Susanne Lamprecht

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Home Sapiens Nocturnis (Nightbound)
Possibly Asia Minor and Africa
Conservation Status

Vampires hide from humanity whenever possible, using a concept called "masquerade". However, modern media and increasingly widespread surveillance have put the vampire on the radar screen of churches and more radical groups who are doing their utmost to hunt down and destroy the undead.

Average Height
1.35m - 2.10m
Average Weight
35kg - 120kg
Average Physique

The physique of a vampire is identical to that of a human, but usually shows greater strength, agility and resilience.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

The skin colour of the vampire ranges from almost alive to clearly dead. Especially vampires with a high humanity look like especially pale people. As the vampire grows older and loses his humanity, he initially appears sick until he clearly takes on corpse-like features.

Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: Vampire Header


Type Undead (Vampire)
Ability Score Modifier +2 to Strength, Constitution and Charisma
Size medium
Speed 30 Feet

  • Bite: The vampire gains a bite attack, which deals 1d4 points of piercing damage, plus one and a half times the vampires Strength modifier.
  • Low-Light Vision: A vampire can see twice as far in Dim-Light conditions as normal humans
  • Blood Points: Vampires gain a special resource, called Blood Points, which they use to fuel their disciplines. The amount of Blood Points depends on the Generation of the vampire.
  • Deathsleep: During the daylight hours a vampire falls into a deathlike state of sleep. In this condition they are not aware of their surroundings.
  • Vulnerability to Sunlight: Vampires are vulnerable to sunlight. If they are exposed to sunlight, they take 4 Points of Constitution Damage each turn.
  • Undead: Vampires are undead creatures. They recover from usual wounds over their daysleep, but have to spend blood points to heal constitution damage. They don't need to eat or drink, but have to feed on mortal blood.
  • Clan: Each vampire belongs to a clan, which gives her additional benefits. These clans serve as a class in terms of game mechanics.

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Dec 7, 2020 11:48 by Anna Katherina

Yeeeessssss. So glad to see a WoD setting on here! It's been SO LONG since I played!

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Dec 7, 2020 11:52 by Davina

You're welcome! I love the WoD and I want this setting to work with a d20 system :D

Dec 7, 2020 23:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm really intrigued by the snippet that says some vampires are able to biologically reproduce like humans. Very interesting.   I really enjoyed reading this. Vampires are always fascinating. :D

Dec 11, 2020 18:02

As I continue to Stake-Out the creative genius of Davina's Vampire d20 translation I continue to be amazed at how well this is presented.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying