
Basic Information


They have a human-like torso and head with four arms. Their spider half is like of a regular spider, just without the spider head. Their spider half is made of chitin, giving them excellent protection against general weapons like swords.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like most species, they reproduce sexually. They develop inside eggs for about a month before hatching.

Growth Rate & Stages

As a newborn, arachnetaurs start off as mostly human-like, with a small abdomen for a butt, and with claws for hands and feet. As they grow into toddlers, their lower bodies slowly start to morph through moulting. At the end of their toddler years they’ll have usually grown all of their limbs, though it’s likely that they’re underdeveloped. During adolescence is when their bodies go through the more drastic changes as their lower half transforms into a spider. They often become very lethargic at this stage as the moulting needed takes up a lot of energy. As adults they’ve fully grown, though they don’t stop moulting. It just becomes less frequent as they get older.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They’re obligate carnivores

Biological Cycle

During the colder months, they go into diapause. It’s similar to hibernation, but more of a period of less activity with more flexibility if it gets warm enough to go out.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

With their web-making abilities, they can create silk which is a popular trade export. Often nobles will traffic kids to keep as silk makers, treating them as pets and mere bugs.

Facial characteristics

They look rather similar to humans, except that they have fuzz instead of facial hair, they have eight eyes, and mandibles with sharp teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They’re found exclusively in East Jyalb and Maefyzer

Average Intelligence

They share a similar intelligence with humans on average

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

With their eight eyes, they have extraordinary vision, some with even sight-based magical abilities that help them hunt and distinguish strangers from foes.   In addition to hearing, they also have a form of echolocation, through the hairs in their spider bodies. It helps them locate whoever may be around.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

To them, they largely believe looks is everything (stemming from their short life span and need to have kids as soon as possible). They ability to serve and not mess up your makeup or fragile silk clothes during a scuffle is seen as very attractive.

Courtship Ideals

There’s a lot of fighting that happens in courting, as only the strongest get to mate.

Average Technological Level

Their tech is considered “primitive” by many, but they really have no use for carriages or anything. They do utilise spears but that’s about it. They like working with simple tools as they can be quite powerful.

Common Dress Code

Clothing is mandatory for the human half. It’s expected to know how to make your own silk with your own webs.


No one really knows where they came from like centaurs, but unlike them they were completely undiscovered until Highking Yøn found them when exploring the caves of Renorth. They were actually very close to extinction, and with her help were able to elevate them to endangered.   Despite help from the Highking, they were never really interested in the world kingdom or the politics or people within it, and have always stayed neutral as best as possible. They were pressured into making brief appearances every so often to announce their loyalty to the kingdom. Being sick of this though, the leader of the Renorth Cave System threatened Highking Œnta, scaring him into letting them become fully independent from the world kingdom. He had a phobia of spiders, so it was an easy task. Lucky for them, all but two Highkings respected their wish for independence.   Highking Λis wanted to completely eradicate the arachnetaurs, and attempted to in Maefyzer. The attempted genocide lasted 30 years, but the arachnetaurs were completely safeguarded with the help of the fae so there was no worry about losing anyone due to the conflict.   The other conflict was with Highking Ke the First, who wanted the arachnetaurs to join the world kingdom again. He spent his first half of his time in the position trying to pressure and bribe them, though they were mostly uninterested. Some did end up moving into Mirthaean villages to join the kingdom.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They really don’t have many opinions on other species. Except humans. They’re quite annoyed with their attempted domination while also being generally terrified of them.
Human, arachnid
24 years
Conservation Status
They’re considered endangered as there’s only 187 arachnetaurs left. It’s strictly forbidden to murder them, with consequences that can lead up to death.
Average Height
8 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The human half is flesh coloured, ranging from pale to dark like the average human. With their spider half it depends on what type of spider they are. Most commonly their bodies are dominantly black or brown, and it’s not uncommon to find interesting markings on their abdomens.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Discovered by

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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