Renorth Cave System


Above ground, the terrain consists mainly of rolling hills interspersed with some flat areas. This varied landscape provides a mix of elevations and open spaces. Below the surface, an underwater river flows toward the ocean, exiting at the southern tip of the cave system. The underground environment is marked by a large, extensive chasm featuring cliffs and numerous mineral deposits. This subterranean area is complex, with many tunnels and caverns branching out in various directions, although the only exposed piece of the system is two long vertical lines, showcasing the spiderwebs that decorate the chasm.


Arachnetaurs use the Renorth cave system as a natural shelter. Combined with their web-making abilities, they’re able to create a home free from the flooding that’s often experienced at the southern tip annually.

Localized Phenomena

Due to the southern tip's proximity to the water level, it is particularly susceptible to flooding during the fall season. This area, being so close to the surface of the water, experiences a significant increase in flood risk when autumn arrives. During this time, increased rainfall and seasonal changes contribute to rising water levels, exacerbating the flooding potential. This recurrent issue requires constant monitoring and preparedness, as the flooding can affect both the natural landscape and any human activities or settlements in the area. Consequently, efforts to manage and mitigate the effects of seasonal flooding are a critical aspect of maintaining the stability and safety of this vulnerable region.


The climate is warm and highly humid all year round. The humidity is especially high during flooding season in fall.


The Renorth system is one of the few settlements completely independent from the world kingdom (or about as independent as one can get with a queen breathing down their necks). They were able to scare Highking Œnta into letting them become independent, as he was terrified of spiders. But as time went on, each new queen has been pressuring the arachnetaurs more and more to fully integrate with the world kingdom. Queen Esanai is particularly bad with this, able to squeeze herself in to pass laws for the arachnetaurs.
Alternative Name(s)
Spider’s Den
Cave System
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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