Duchess Orabelle Character in Mirthae | World Anvil

Duchess Orabelle

Duchess Ka “Orabelle” Adreanna Hanon- Uey

Physical Description

Body Features

Her scales are a dark blue with a green shine to them, and her tail is similar to that of a crowntail betta fish.

Identifying Characteristics

Her regular legs are slightly bent due to abuse, affecting her ability to walk. Her back is scarred up which she shows proudly as part of her culture even though it was obtained through her abusive ex husband.

Physical quirks

In her humanoid form she walks with a limp, often using a cane to help her.

Special abilities


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before becoming a mermaid, she was originally a human named Ka Adreanna Uey living in East Shiza. All of her life she was rather timid and afraid to stand up for herself, in which her family tried desperately to change through various acts such as staging kidnappings, arranged marriages, temporarily exiling her from the family on multiple occasions, and even giving her strenuous chores that the family knew she couldn’t handle. She was always afraid of standing up against her family as they were quite powerful and ruled the entire Ønezh and Adeosass provinces of Shiza.   She was married off five different times to guys before her death, with her first three being are happy marriages despite her being a lesbian. The first three ended rather early as two of her husbands tragically died young, and one disappeared. The fourth ended as the husband was bribed to part ways when they realised Orabelle wasn’t going to change. Her fifth marriage was the worst as she was sent off to Symilf to marry someone from the Ksilsia family. She did eventually find her voice after her husband nearly forced his way on her, as she didn’t want to bare kids with him. As punishment he divorced her, and whipped her in a fit of rage.   During her darkest hours she was left abandoned in Darʌkys, the Ksilsia refusing to send her back to Shiza and bribing other folk to not send her back. She struggled with being homeless for a few months until eventually her depression had gotten so bad she tried to take her own life multiple times. The last time she was saved by a mermaid, and promised a better life if she became a mermaid. Out of ideas on what to do, she agreed, and was drowned so she could become a mermaid herself.   Her first act as a mermaid was to rename herself, and she became known as Orabelle Adreanna Hanon (the last name she picked up from her first marriage). Though she struggled with severe depression and suicidal tendencies, she still thrived in her new life, marrying the mermaid who had drowned her, Masikå. She became part of the Wave Whisper Guild that her wife is a part of, and quickly rose as a leader for the charity aspect of the guild.   Eventually she found herself in Fzalder, to help with the flooding that occurs as it’s the only optimal environment to grow the staples of peppers and southern dewberries on the continent. She was one of the key people that helped develop a variant for both plants that would allow them to survive the flooding. As a reward for helping the people of the province, King Krylny gave the guild the land to use as they pleased as long as enough land was left for farming. Lady Alqoa herself decided with the suggestion of Orabelle to make it is safe haven for mermaids, appointing Orabelle as the duchess for Phluimmyle Ldhmnich.

Gender Identity

Cis woman



Mental Trauma

CPTSD, severe depression

Intellectual Characteristics


Personality Characteristics


She aims to make the best mermaid-friendly city in the west


Religious Views

She’s a devout follower of Alqoa, being a key leader of the Wave Whispers Guild

Social Aptitude

Socially awkward, but highly knowledgeable in etiquette from different cultures.


She’s quite reserved, making very little movements


She speaks in a whisper, often having another mermaid help speak for her.

Wealth & Financial state

She has no wealth, ruling her city in a pure communist society
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Phluimmyle Ldhmnich
3001 AA 3032 AA 31 years old
Circumstances of Death
Drowned by a mermaid
Current Residence
The largest lake of Phyluimmyle Ldhmnich, Nymphsus Lake
Long black hair with green highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightish green skin
Lady Alqoa
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
New Tongue
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Elven Dreamweaver


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