Eldersinger Melodream

Eldersinger Ñilno Alonzo Melodream (a.k.a. Silver-Tongued Siren)

Physical Description

Facial Features

A full beard with a little moustache

Physical quirks

He loves to drum his fingers to the beat of his music

Special abilities

Being part lamubus, he has the ability to appear in people’s dreams. Being part ivierae, his third eye grants him the ability to hypnotise people through his singing.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a red cae with three layers of clothes. Also wears a gold ear cuff, and an earring with a magically floating tear drop shaped green.

Specialized Equipment

He has a custom made gittern that he loves to play when performing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was born in Hell, and spent his childhood years in it but hated it there as he was often bullied for being half ivierae. When he turned 988 he ran away from home and managed to immigrate to Mirthae. As a teen he got by by playing music, using his hypnotic powers to sway people’s opinions of him, eventually leading him to playing for nobles in Symilf. During this time he was also practising to become a bard, and was eventually accepted into the bard’s guild.   Although he enjoyed getting paid a lot of money, he was tired of listening to their constant racism towards ivierae. Unable to get rid of their racism, and to avoid being caught for crimes of illegally using hypnosis, he decided to dip the continent and move to Fzalder where he could play music at different events and taverns. He decided to settle in Tllal City as that’s the largest settlement that actively uses money in Fzalder. He met a small polycule family trying to save up to build a new tavern, and agreed to help if he got to be the bard of the tavern. The funding was a success, and it’s where he currently lives.

Gender Identity

Trans man




All his life he’s been a freelance musician, performing for various events and people. As a teenager he mostly stuck around performing for nobles in Symilf before he eventually decided to play in taverns. Currently he works in the Lullaby Lantern, a tavern he helped fund to get built in the City of Tllal

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly adept in musical intelligence

Morality & Philosophy

He’s a utilitarian opportunist and pragmatic survivor who believes in aesthetic hedonism and skeptical realism.

Personality Characteristics


He just wants to live life comfortably, enjoying the finer things in life especially when everything feels like it’s going to shit.


He stays on top of his hygiene, often looking at the latest trends to keep himself healthy


Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic and flirtatious. He’s very confident.

Wealth & Financial state

He’s very wealthy, and probably would’ve been a noble if money was more largely used in Fzalder.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
The Lullaby Lantern
Masculine, though feminine when dressing formally
Yellow eyes
4c long red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
I weave my song in a trance,
For life’s too brief, a fleeting chance,
To live and love in opulence.
— Alonzo
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
New Tongue, semi fluent in Silmfein

Cover image: by Elven Obsidian Arts (previously ArtisticArmoury)


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